Robert McNulty saved a man from drowning, Rancho Palos Verdes, California, July 6, 2014. An 18-year-old man jumped from a cliff into a narrow cove off the Pacific Ocean and became caught in the turbulent water created there by the surge and retreat of series of large waves. Two males from other parties at the scene entered the cove in rescue attempts but were buffeted by the waves, which washed them into and out of a cave below the cliff. Tiring, they were able to reach safety at opposite sides of the cove. The larger waves subsiding momentarily about then, McNulty, 39, broadcast systems technician, dived into the cove and swam to the man, who, unconscious by then, was about midway across the 30-foot-wide cove. McNulty wrapped his left arm around the man and swam with his right to tow him to the opposite side of the cove. The first rescuer joined them there and worked with McNulty to revive the man. McNulty suffered cuts to his right leg that took a month to heal. He missed about five days of work and fully recovered.
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