Roy P. Greisen rescued Eunice R. Gress from an enraged bull, Dickinson, North Carolina, May 6, 1934. As Eunice, 8, was driving a bull in a meadow, it charged, knocking her down, and continued to attack her. Roy, 14, schoolboy, walked 90 feet toward the bull. When he was 12 feet from it, he threw a stone, which struck the bull on the back. The bull continued its attack. Roy threw another stone, striking the bull, which retreated two or three steps and watched Roy. Another boy, who was 30 feet from Roy, threw a stone, striking the ground close to the bull. The bull turned and walked two or three steps farther from Eunice but continued to paw and snort. Roy then went to Eunice and picked her up. The bull made no move to attack him. Roy carried Eunice to her home. She sustained serious injuries but recovered.
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