Stanley Mitchell, 25, laborer, died attempting to save Terry W. Zerr, 14, schoolboy, from drowning, Selah, Washington, July 17, 1955. Terry was swept from a sandbar in a cove of the Yakima River, drifted to deep water 100 feet from the bank, and repeatedly sank and rose in an area of strong revolving current. Mitchell, who was attracted and crossed the river on a bridge, reached the upstream end of the cove after a run of 600 feet in afternoon heat of 97 degrees. Disrobing to his under drawers, he entered the water, which was 30 degrees cooler than the air, and swam 150 feet to the outer end of the sandbar. He stood up momentarily and then lunged from the sandbar and swam 90 feet to within 10 feet of Terry, who sank from view. Mitchell continued swimming three feet and then submerged as if diving for Terry. Mitchell came to the surface briefly but again sank. Both he and Terry were drowned. 43570-4015
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