Vernon L. Davies saved Gregory and Kevin Foley and attempted to save Patrick Foley from suffocation, Novato, California, May 24, 1966. At night fire broke out in a one-story dwelling and rapidly spread toward a bedroom in which Gregory, 9; Kevin; 11, and Patrick, 7, were asleep. From outside a man broke a window of the bedroom; and when Davies, 30, police patrolman, arrived flames were issuing from the top of the opening. Learning that three boys were inside, Davies ran to a window at the opposite side of the bedroom. He raised the bottom sash and climbed into the room, where heat was intense. Thrusting his head outside, Davies took in fresh air. He then held his breath and moved six feet from the window in dense smoke, which completely filled the room. He found Gregory unconscious on the floor and carried him to the window where he dimly could see the beam of a flashlight held by a man outside. Davies handed Gregory through the opening, took in fresh air, and turned back into the room. He found Kevin unconscious on the floor seven feet from the window. While carrying Kevin to the opening, Davies inhaled smoke and began coughing. After handing Kevin outside, Davies again took in fresh air and then moved eight feet from the window. In the smoke he saw the glow of flames in a corner of the room. He reached Patrick’s bed., but he could not locate the boy. Davies was forced to inhale. Coughing and choking violently, he stumbled back to the window and fell across the sill. The man outside pulled Davies from the bedroom. Firemen arrived and entered the dwelling wearing masks. They found Patrick unconscious on the floor in a corner of the bedroom. He was removed but could not be revived. Gregory and Kevin were revived and recovered. 49224-5345
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