Virginia D. Buhrow helped to save a woman from drowning, Hot Springs, Arkansas, May 19, 2005. In a suicide attempt, a 65-year-old woman sat on the edge of a bridge spanning Lake Hamilton, at a point about 300 feet from the closer bank, then dropped 45 feet into the water. Buhrow, 40, business operator, was jogging on the bridge at the time and at the scene saw her floating on her back and calling out for help. A male motorist stopped on the bridge and joined Buhrow. Deciding to enter the lake for the victim, they removed their shoes and together jumped feet first into the water, the motorist hitting its surface hard on his side. Buhrow and the motorist approached the victim, supported her under her back, and began to swim to the bank with her. Joined by another woman, who had swum out from the bank, the rescuers took the victim toward shore and near it were met by two fishermen responding in a boat. As the rescuers held to the boat and to the victim, the fishermen towed them to a nearby dock, where they left the lake. The victim survived but required hospitalization.
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