W. Arthur Lusby, 11, schoolboy, saved Arthur A. F. Ludke, 10; Harold G. Cummings, 10, and Carl J. Feddon, 8, from drowning, Washington, D. C., January 22, 1912. While the boys were walking along the edge of the ice that extended 500 feet from the bank of the Anacostia River, Carl fell into the water, which was over 16 feet deep. The ice broke, and Harold and Arthur Ludke also fell into the water. Harold and Arthur Ludke clung to the ice, and Carl clung to Harold. Arthur Lusby was about 15 feet from the edge of the ice with another boy. The latter ran toward the bank in fright. Arthur Lusby went to Arthur Ludke, grasped his arms, and pulled him up on the ice, then he lay on his stomach and grasped Harold, who had got a couple of feet from the ice, and helped Harold to climb out. Carl was then a few feet from the ice and was motionless. Arthur Lusby lay on the ice and extended his arm toward Carl. Barely able to grasp Carl’s hair, he pulled him to the ice and out upon it. Arthur Lusby and the other boys revived him. 7952-1028
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