William R. Whitacre rescued Shirley J. Morgan from a homicidal attack, Los Altos, California, May 12, 1970. When her estranged husband came to the restaurant where she was employed and shot at her with a revolver, Mrs. Morgan fled into one of two dining rooms. Her husband followed, firing at her and wounding her four times. Whitacre, 24, executive recruiter, ran from the other dining room and, shouting, advanced behind the man as he was standing over his wife. The husband turned toward Whitacre and raised the revolver. Whitacre grasped the gun, putting his hand in front of its hammer. The revolver did not fire when the hammer fell forward onto Whitacre’s hand, inflicting a flesh wound. Whitacre disarmed the man, who was taken into custody by police. Mrs. Morgan survived.
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