Manjit Singh, deceased

A 31-year-old farmer drowned Aug. 5, 2020, attempting to save an 8-year-old girl in the Kings River in Reedley, California. Samantha Cruz Pedro struggled to swim as she was separated from a group of children playing in the river and the swift current carried her downstream. Among those on the beach who were alerted by calls to help multiple people, Manjit Singh of Fresno, California, entered the river, despite not knowing how to swim. He removed and unwrapped a turban he was wearing and extended it away from him as a lifeline as he advanced into water up to his neck. Shortly, he submerged and onlookers lost sight of him in the chaos. Another girl was removed from the water; she was not seriously injured. A man located Samantha and helped pass her to first responders on the bank. She was taken to a hospital and died six days later. Singh was ultimately recovered downstream and was brought to the bank unresponsive. Attempts to revive him were unsuccessful. He had drowned.