Aakvik, Helmer M., 64:8–9
Abbey Park House, Dunfermline, Scotland, 10:4
Abbott, David, 2:6
Abbott, Hezekiah, 2:6
Abbott, H. James, 2:6
Abbott, Lori Michelle, 7:5, 8:2, 20:5
Above & Beyond Citizen Honor, 14:7
Aboyte, Christopher Bryant, 71:10, 72:12
Abramson, Gazelle, 2:2
Acreman, Jimmie Michael, 1:7
Adair, Robin, 28:9
African American awardees, 41:4, 7
Agaj, Qemal, 17:5
Aga Khan IV, 4:2, 7:1, 10:3, 12:4, 36:10, 44:4
age, hero, 39:11, 45:2, 53:2, 57:2–3, 61:2, 3, 65:6, 77:2
Agelatos, Dionysios, 28:8
Agli, Jay, 55:10, 56:13, 57:2
Agustin, Salvador B., Jr., 5:7
Ahearn, Rory, 22:7, 8, 23:8
Ahlbeck, Agneta, 4:6, 12:4, 6, 7, 20:5, 28:11, 12, 43:16, 44:10, 20, 47:16, 52:4
Ahmad, Mir Khaled, 60:9, 61:1
Aigeldinger, Robert W., 6:5, 7:9
Aites, Andrea Gail, 12:9
Ajro, Kujtime, 33:8
Akahane, Kealii J., 74:12, 76:7
Alaimo, Joseph Anthony, 5:6, 10:5, 14:4
Alba, Edgar F. Moreno, 67:9, 69:4
Albert, Earl R., 10:5
Albright, Rosetta M., 20:9, 21:2
Alderman, Joseph W., 70:14
Aldridge, Ashley Marie, 47:11, 12, 48:20, 70:13
Alfred, Kenneth, 61:10, 63:6, 16, 68:7
Allain, Thomas F., 28:15
Allen, Dara Ware, 74:5, 15
Allen, Diane, 47:17
Allen, Kali, 57:10, 58:15
Allen, Megan Elizabeth, 28:7–8
Allen, Paul G., 44:5
Allerding, Martin C., 27:7–8
Alley, Peter Edward, 8:5
Allison, Joseph H. G., 50:18
Allston, Paul D., 9:5, 22:6
Alpert, Samuel, 22:4, 6
Alsman, Fred, 68:12
Altman, R. Jason, 19:4
altruism, 46:2–3, 53:2–3, 57:2–3
Alvarado, Jose, 39:7
Ambler, Peter Shane, 27:8
Ames, Toby, 19:5
Ammerman, Chad, 72:11
Andersen, Cameron T., 23:7, 24:6
Anderson, Gordon Scott, 38:6
Anderson, James, 1:4
Anderson, Jerry O., 40:2
Anderson, John Conrad, III, 44:11
Anderson, Lois M. and Jack C., Jr., 44:11
Anderson, Nicholas, 57:8, 10, 58:14
Anderson, Van L., 58:11, 59:4, 60:4, 61:3, 69:7
Andersson, Christina, 7:1
Andersson, Jan-Olov, 7:1
Andrade, Richard Brian, 37:8
Andreen, Kenneth S., 71:11, 72:8, 77:5
Andrew Carnegie House, 10:3–4
Annenberg, Leonore, 2:4, 12:4, 36:10, 44:4
Annenberg, Walter H., 2:4, 12:4, 36:10, 44:4
Anne, Princess Royal, 14:4
Ansolabehere, Paul A., 26:5, 51:3, 53:6
Antonino, Richard T., 15:9
Applegate, Lawrence P., 51:13
Arbuthnot, Thomas S., 18:2, 27:2, 5, 31:2–5
Archambault, Paul J., 1:2, 19:2, 8, 38:9, 49:4
Argueta R., Marvin D., 76:10
Arias, Christopher B., 72:9, 10, 11
Armed Forces Radio Network (AFRN), 1:7
Armstrong, Jennifer, 30:6
Armstrong, Kennedy, 79:12-13, 80:16
Arnesen, Liv, 40:9, 11, 43:3, 16, 48:18, 19
Arnholdt, Adolph, 73:2
Arnold, Bobby Lynn, 52:12
Arnzen, Kali Jo, 32:9–10
Arreguin, Moyses, 63:11–12
Arroyo, Judy, 76:12-13, 78:7
Arsenault, Joseph A., Jr., 61:11
Arthur, Ledford Wayne, 18:9
Arvidsson, Andreas, 43:16
Ashe, Arthur, 35:5
Aspeslet, Barbara J., 31:13, 15
Aspeslet, Malcolm R., 31:13, 15
Asson, Scott Walter, 13:6
Astor, Brooke, 2:4, 12:4, 36:10, 44:4
Atkinson, Kenneth R., 51:8, 52:5
Atkinson, Robert L., 8:5, 7
“attributes of a hero” botanical sketch, 29:12
Atwood, Ernestine F., 31:16, 41:4
Auble, James A., 23:8
Austill, Mary, 55:21
Austin, Kyle D., 31:6–7, 32:11, 33:2
Autilio, Nicole M., 31:6, 32:14
Autrey, Wesley James, Sr., 14:1–2, 9, 17:8, 25:5, 45:5
auxiliary events, 12:6–7
Avant, Jimmy, 22:12
awards ceremonies
Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy, 2:4, 3:3, 4:1, 2–3, 10:3, 11:2, 12:3–5, 9, 20:1, 2, 4, 28:4–6, 29:3, 36:1, 10–12, 37:5, 42:7, 44:4–7, 20, 50:6, 51:6–7, 52:15, 17
Douglas R. Chambers, 1:2, 3:6, 7, 4:3, 5:5, 6, 6:8, 7:8, 9, 10:5, 12:4, 17:3, 19:7, 8, 9, 20:4, 6, 23:8, 26:8, 9, 27:11, 34:5, 38:2
Eric P. Zahren, 54:2, 3, 4, 69:5–6
Linda Thorell Hills, 4:3, 11:2, 12:4, 5, 21:2, 28:4, 32:3, 6–7, 36:11, 44:4, 50:8–9, 52:17
Mark Laskow, 1:1–2, 4:3, 7:8, 11:3, 14:5, 6, 17:3, 21:2, 26:10, 28:4, 33:11, 34:3, 5, 36:10–11, 44:4, 52:17
Power of One event, 54:1–4, 57:3
Walter F. Rutkowski, 3:6, 7, 4:3, 12:4, 14:5, 11, 17:3, 21:2, 28:4, 32:6, 36:11, 44:5
William Thomson, 4:2, 3, 11:2, 12:4, 5, 28:6, 32:7, 36:11, 44:4
Axiotes, Frank P., 71:11, 12, 72:6, 77:5
Ayotte, William, 44:12–13, 45:3, 7, 46:5
Bacon, Nathaniel, 35:5, 37:2, 6–7
Badet, Tyler, 75:10, 76:9
Badgett, Bruce Douglas, 49:4–5
Badia, Luigi, 1:2
Baez, Jonathon, 75:8-9
Bagley, Vernon P., 72:14–15
Bailes, Brett, 51:9, 52:8
Bailey, Daniel William, 12:8, 13:3, 14:6
Bailey, Dianne R., 51:2
Bailey, James Clayton, 80:4-5
Bailey, Kelly, 80:12-13
Bailey, Ricky Don, 65:16
Bair, Brandon, 70:11, 12, 72:13, 78:15
Baker, Clifford J., 36:15
Baker, John Augustus, II, 20:8
Baker, Madeline, 63:4–5
Baldwin, Michael William, 15:9
Baldwin, Sandra S., 15:9
Baliko, Ronald L., 71:5
Ball, Austin Woods, 31:8
Balls, Kortnie, 73:9, 75:6
Bandel, Renata, 66:11
Bandy, Paul W., 72:10, 74:9
Bandy, Paul W., 72:10
Baptiste, Dennis Mark, 10:11
Barbee, Kevin Joseph, 28:9
Barbee, Tommy L., 11:8
Barber, Gloria A., 3:7, 5:7, 12:4, 15:7, 16:8, 31:16, 46:4, 55:19, 57:3
Barcus, Gerald L., 26:11
Barfuss, Ross McKay, 18:1, 3, 8, 23:8, 37:5, 47:8
Barkhouse, Michael Douglas, 59:11, 61:4, 64:13
Barkley, James R., 26:2
Barkley, Makeda S., 33:8
Barnard, Mark, 20:8, 9, 53:14–15
Barnes, Jason, 50:10, 11, 52:8
Barnett, Steven, 71:12, 72:7
Barnhill, Tommy Earl, 19:4
Barnhouse, Samantha Olive, 56:11, 12, 57:14
Barrelet, Nicolas E., 6:5, 8, 7:8
Barrett, Eugene, Jr., 5:3
Barry, River, 77:5, 12
Barry, Timothy Michael, 14:8
Barthel, Jonathan A., 41:7, 12
Bartholomew, Matthew Ross, 47:17, 48:12, 49:18
Barth, Robert K., 3:2, 4:6, 70:7, 16
Bartolozzi, Patrizio, 9:5, 11:5
Bartscher, Jameson, 48:10, 11, 49:18, 50:15
Basler, William Dean, 16:5
Basran, Shalinder Kaur, 18:8
Bass, Jeffrey S., 16:5, 18:5
Bates, Michael D., 42:12, 45:3
Bauer, Jonathan, 68:11, 69:4
Baugh, Andrew, 47:10, 48:20
Baumann, Louis A., Jr., 11:3, 23:1, 2, 25:3, 55:8
Bauman, William F., 6:4, 24:6, 27:14
Baumgartner, Richard P., 35:7
Baxter, Bruce A., 20:8, 9, 71:5
Bayless, William Fred, 18:5, 7, 56:1–2, 3
Bazella, John R., 30:13
Beane, John M., 42:6–7, 9
Bear, David, 1:7
Beasley, Cody Alan, 29:10–11
Beaudry, Eugene J., 32:15
Beauparland, Ernest, 67:10–11, 68:4, 7, 69:7
Becker, Richard Henry, 32:9
Beech, Glenda Clement, 46:5, 10, 47:17, 49:2
Beernaerts, Gerard, 15:8, 9
Behan, Stacy L., 22:1, 4, 8
Beheler, Christine L., 66:10
Bélanger, Patrice, 8:5
Belgian Hero Fund, 32:6–7, 33:3, 44:10, 48:19, 52:4
Bell, Charles D., 6:5
Bell, Damian, 49:13–14, 15, 50:18
Benedict, Peter James, 17:4, 19:9
beneficiary grants, 45:4, 61:5, 65:7, 69:3
Benefito, Eugene L., 26:6–7
Benetti, Antonio, 23:11–12
Benfield, Martin, 15:4
Benke, David A., 25:1, 7, 47:17
Bennett, Michael, 5:5, 7:7
Bennett, Warren, 9:5
Benson, Carl E., 40:12–13
Bentley, Jerry L., 45:13
Benuik, Dmetrie, 40:4–5, 45:4, 47:8
Bercel, Robert P., 20:9
Beresford, Walter, M., 16:4
Berger, James Hopkins, 29:2, 3
Bergkamp, Brian G., 51:9
Berglund, Bradley Jay, 65:12, 13
Berglund, Lyle, 65:12, 13
Bergstrand, Bengt-Göran, 44:20
Bernard, Liam, 55:9, 56:14
Bernhard, Lazare Fred, 29:9
Berube, Robin Adair, 46:5
beta males, 44:9, 16–17
Betty, Kenya D., 48:13, 14
Bevacqua, Philip, 15:1, 6, 9, 17:2, 8, 43:13
Bicking, Darby, 72:11, 73:10
Biedermann, Daniel, 44:10, 11, 52:4
Bigwood, John, 37:6
Bill Few Associates, 23:4
Bilotta, Annie, 78:14
Bingham, Glenn S., 3:2, 23:9, 49:18, 59:14
Bingham, Graham D., 57:17, 19
bint Nasser, Sheikha Mozah, 36:12, 44:4
Bischoff, Christopher, 78:13, 80:9
Bischoff, Christopher, 78:13
Blackburn, Bill and Peggy, 1:6
Blackburn, Clinton D., 43:1, 10–11, 13
Blackburn, Rebecka, 59:10, 60:13, 62:7, 68:7
Blackburn, Wanda Marie, 61:17
Black, James Allen, 77:22-23
Blades, John M., 6:2, 10:5
Blair, George Russell, 42:1–3
Blair, Roger J., 24:12, 25:3
Blake, Michael, 35:5, 6
Blake, Roland Monte, Jr., 28:8, 9
Blare, Delbert G., 55:9, 56:17
Blasko, Robert H., 6:5, 7:8, 75:2
Blaskoski, Anthony D., 6:6
Blauzvern, David, 51:10, 52:4, 8
Blazek, John W., Jr., 8:3, 14:10
Blessen, Richard L., 39:11, 41:10, 11
Bligh, Scott Matthew, 25:2, 9, 26:9
Bloomberg, Michael R., 20:1, 2, 4, 36:1, 5, 10, 44:4, 17, 50:6
Blostein, Benjamin M., 64:11, 74:14, 80:4
Blouin, James, 74:10, 80:4
Blount, James J., III, 10:10, 11, 11:5
Bodine, William B., Jr., 12:7
Boesl, Steven T., 66:8
Boggs, Gail, 36:11, 40:4
Boggs, Robyn S., 5:3
Bohan, Edward, 19:4
Boles, Donald Michael, 56:9
Bolo, Steven J., 27:7–8
Bondarenko, Dmitriy A., 53:10, 54:15
Bond, Seth Robert, 64:12, 65:5
Bone, Rodney, 31:13, 32:8
Bonge, Branden L., 23:7
Boniface, Chad, 8:4
Boone, Coach, 2:2
Boothe, D. Roderick, 66:11
Borgman, Gerard, 48:18
Boslau, Tanner Douglas, 52:12
Bostic, Nicholas L., 73:8–9, 77:5
Bostic, William, 58:11
Boswell, Mary Holt Johnson, 30:13
botanical sketch, 29:12
Boterenbrood, Peter, 29:11
Boucher, Clayton A., 16:5
Boucher, Normand, 5:7
Bowdoin, Russell H., 65:5
Bowen, James Lee Smith, 30:10, 36:3, 44:16
Bower, Fleming C., 14:7, 30:5, 11
Bower, Ray Noel, 23:5, 8
Bowers, John C., 22:12, 71:14–15
Bowes, Stanley W., 76:2-3
Bowman, Bradley A., 36:5, 6
Bowman, Kyle, 60:8
Bowthorpe, Keoni, 48:1, 11, 49:17, 78:17-19
Boyd, Clifford R., 11:8
Boyden, Kenton William, 7:5, 9:6
Boyd, George P., 70:17–19
Boyle, Kevin Patrick, 30:8
Braddock, Heath, 72:9, 10, 74:9
Bradley, George A., 31:10, 45:5
Bradley, Harry D., 31:10, 45:5
Bradley, James, 2:2
Bradley, Kirk, 8:3
Bradley, Linda F. Schmidt, 22:10
Bradley, Mark Richard, 3:6
Bradley, Patricia Proctor, 8:3
Brady, Abby, 54:19
Braga, David L., 26:5, 6
Bragg, David W., 7:5, 6, 8:6
Brands, Bart, 44:10, 11, 20, 47:16, 48:18
Brand, S. Richard, 10:5, 18:5
Branham, Lucy G., 62:7, 12
Braun, Jo A., 35:10, 12, 46:4, 62:6
Braun, Myrna J. Heese, 3:7, 12:4, 16:8, 31:16, 35:10, 43:5, 44:11, 45:4, 51:2
Brave of Heart Fund, 66:7
Breen, Mark Kevin, Jr., 34:5, 6
Breitwieser, Erik, 50:13
Brem, Garry, 78:3
Brennan, James R. S., 17:9
Bretz, Phillip DeEvans, 55:15–17
Breuer, Jeffrey Lloyd, 28:7
Brewer, Curtis L., 6:5
Brewer, Randall Scott, 19:5, 21:9
Brey, Robert E., 31:15
Bridges School, Paris, IL, 18:10
Brindley, Kenyon D., 38:5, 7, 63:4–5
Brinkman, John H., 66:6
Britt, Charles Edward, 39:4–5, 58:3, 10, 64:15–16
Broad, Eli, 11:3, 12:3–4, 36:10, 44:4
Brock, Melissa, 73:10
Brokaw, Tom, 2:4, 12:3
Brooks, Clarence M., Jr., 35:5, 36:6, 8
Brooks, Henry Norman, 80:12
Brooks Robinson, Frank
See Robinson, Frank Brooks
Brooks, Shei’Londa S., 49:11, 12
Brown, Clementine U., 48:6
Brown, David J., 66:8
Brown, Donald LeRoy, 10:8, 11:9
Browne, William Michael, 37:7
Brown, Frank Wesley, 12:1–2, 10, 16:7
Brown, James L., 33:12
Brown, Kevin W., 2:3
Brown, Linda, 4:6
Brown, Mabel N., 16:7
Brown, Richard L., 27:6, 8, 9, 34:9
Brown, Roland C., 48:6
Brown, Terry, 42:1, 11, 12, 47:8, 9
Brown, Thomas W., 54:7, 55:12, 56:8
Brown, William A., 2:3
Bruchon, Emilie, 43:3, 16
Bruun, George L., 30:5, 7
Bryan, Evelyn S., 69:14–15
Bryant, Gregory, 18:8
Buchanan, E. Bayley, 18:2, 26:11
Buchler, Kurt T., 38:11–12
Buhrow, Virginia D., 7:5
Bullard, Terry L., 23:7
Bumgarner, Joshua A., 21:6, 22:6, 10
Bundy, John, 37:14
Burbea, Johnathan P., 10:9, 14:5–6
Burchfield, A. H., III, 43:4, 51:13, 55:21, 61:13, 70:2
Burger, Shane Douglas, 66:6–7
Burgess, Andrew, 57:17, 18, 19
Burgess, Dale R., 57:17, 19
Burgos, Christian Alexander, 65:11, 67:5
Burke, Arthur Eugene, 48:6, 9
Burkett, Christopher K., 73:6, 75:5
Burkhalter, Louis G., 58:7
Burkhardt, Neil C., 45:9, 11
Burkholder, Delmar R., 4:6–7, 36:15
Burson, Matthew Paul, 53:10, 54:14
Butler, Courtney E., 18:1, 2–3, 9
Butler, David, 2:6
Butler, Isaac J., 2:6
Buttaccio, Anna, 28:7, 44:11
Buttaccio, Joseph A., Jr., 28:7, 44:11
Butt, Gul Javid, 9:3
Byers, Michael, 69:4
Byrd, John M., 33:8
Byrnes, Jason Christopher, 17:4, 19:9
Bystrom, Connor M., 31:7–8, 32:14, 33:3, 37:4, 47:3
Caballero, Arthur R., Sr., 69:9, 71:7, 75:5, 76:5
Caballero, Rolando Rene, 78:13
Cabrera, Giovanna, 80:10
Cadbury Family, 10:3, 12:4, 36:10, 44:4, 50:6
Cade, Michael Jerome, 38:12–13
Caffery, Kevin R., 4:5
Caldwell, Jeffrey W., 34:7–8
Calix A., F. Daniel, 76:10
Calix A., Franklin G., 76:10
Callaghan, Julie K., 58:11, 60:4, 14, 61:3, 5–6
Callahan, James, 24:8
Callaway, William E., 64:16
Callister, Lovell J., 64:18–19
Cameron, Henry C., 48:6–7
Cameron, Richard S., 19:4
Campanella, Michael, 45:8, 9
Campbell, Alexander James, 44:18–19
Campbell, Daniel W., 21:7
Campbell, Frederick, 28:1–3
Campbell, Michael D., 43:8, 9
Camp, Keith, 6:5
Camp, Richard Joseph, 29:10
Campsey, George A., 12:11
Campuzano, Rolando, Sr., 21:2, 6
Canadian awardees, 57:2, 61:3
Canale, Christopher, 47:13, 15, 17
Cantrell, Amos Franklin, 18:4, 31:10
Capuano, Anthony Stephen, 70:7, 10, 11, 71:13
Carbonell, Charles T., Sr., 13:6, 14:5, 6, 39:2, 8–9, 41:2, 9, 43:12, 74:5
Carkhuff, Stephen P., 67:9–10, 68:5
Carnegie, Andrew
biographical publication, 8:4
birthplace, 3:3, 18:6, 11
commemorative medal, 1:3
death centennial celebration, 59:6–7
descendants, 5:3, 51:7, 16
fiscal and physical contributions, 48:16
grave site, 6:3, 44:2
hero funds, 4:6, 5:4, 6:2, 43:16, 44:10
on heroism, 22:2, 3
and the Homestead Strike, 50:2, 4–5
immigration story, 57:4
inflatable sculpture, 23:9, 54:20
legacy, 40:2–3, 44:2–3, 5, 10, 54:1–2, 59:6–7, 66:2–3
libraries, 1:4, 47:3–5
medal presentation, 55:8
murals, 4:4
as peace activist, 57:6–8, 20
Peace Palace, The Hague, Netherlands, 36:4, 37:5, 57:3
personal monetary grants, 3:3
personal quote, 14:11, 15:7, 16:9, 17:7, 18:7, 19:8, 20:11, 21:9, 22:13, 23:10, 24:12, 25:8, 26:7, 27:16, 28:16, 29:14, 30:16, 31:18, 32:16, 33:14, 34:16, 35:16, 36:20, 37:16, 38:16, 39:18, 40:16, 41:16, 42:16, 43:18, 44:22, 45:16, 46:18, 47:20, 48:22, 49:20, 50:20, 51:18, 52:20, 53:16, 54:20, 55:24, 56:20, 57:20, 58:20, 59:20, 60:20, 61:20, 62:16, 63:20, 64:20, 66:16, 67:16, 68:16, 69:16, 70:20, 71:16, 72:16
personal values, 57:2–3, 4, 6–8, 67:2–3
philanthropic ideals, 2:4
photo, 50:8
Pittsburgh bicentennial celebration, 46:9
Simplified Spelling Board, 7:6, 9
summer retreat cottage, 22:2–3, 12
visit to Santa Cruz, 48:21
voice recording, 12:2
See also Thomson, William
Carnegie Birthplace Museum, 18:6, 11
Carnegie Corporation of New York, 27:4–6, 53:3, 57:3, 58:2, 6
Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, 40:9, 57:3, 8
Carnegie Dunfermline Trust, 10:4, 44:20
Carnegie Endowment for World Peace, 57:3
Carnegie Hero Fund Commission, 29:4, 32:14, 36:16, 43:16, 44:4, 10, 51:13, 16, 54:1, 2, 3, 19, 55:21, 58:6, 66:13, 70:2–3, 16, 71:8
Carnegie Hero Funds World Committee, 32:11, 14, 36:2–3, 37:5, 39:14, 16, 41:3, 43:3, 16, 44:5, 10–11, 45:4, 47:16, 48:18, 49:3, 52:4, 55:18
Carnegie Hero Fund Trust, 43:16, 44:10, 20
Carnegie Libraries Across America: A Public Legacy (Jones), 1:4
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 54:1, 2, 3
Carnegie, Louise Whitfield, 5:3, 44:2, 3, 5, 48:21, 50:4, 8, 51:7, 16, 52:4, 59:20
Carnegie, Margaret Morrison, 6:3, 48:21, 59:6
Carnegie Medal
award guidelines, 2:2
award-winning exhibit, 51:7
Deed of Trust, 54:2, 3, 55:1, 6–7, 57:1, 2–3, 65:6, 66:2, 7, 70:1, 14, 78:16
design changes, 1:3, 48:15
design process, 48:8–9, 15
double awardees, 10:2, 39:2, 69:1
married recipients, 44:1–2, 11
peer support network, 74:6, 76:4, 79:6, 80:5
Power of One event, 54:1–4, 57:3
refinishing services, 11:6, 12:11, 51:16, 63:9, 69:13
rescue efforts, 15:10
returned medals, 6:10, 36:1–2, 5
Roll of Honor, 54:2, 3, 55:1, 6–7, 57:1, 65:7, 78:16
10,000th and 10,001st medal presentations, 54:1–4, 55:19, 21, 57:1, 74:5 3
See also awards ceremonies
Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy, 2:4, 3:3, 4:1, 2–3, 7:1, 10:3, 12:3–5, 9, 13:3, 18:7, 19:7–8, 20:1, 2, 4, 28:4–6, 29:3, 34:12, 14, 36:1, 10–12, 37:5, 42:7, 44:4–7, 20, 50:6, 51:6–7, 52:15, 17, 58:3, 61:2, 65:2–3
Carnegie Mellon University, 54:1, 2, 3
Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, 54:1
Carnegie Music Hall, 54:1, 2, 3, 4
Carnegie PeaceBuilding Conversations, 57:6–8
Carnegie Relief Fund, 3:3
Carnegie Rescuers Foundation, 20:5, 24:11, 27:1, 10–11, 14, 29:2, 33:3, 43:16, 44:10, 11, 48:19, 52:4, 61:5
Carnegies Belonningsfond for Heltemod, 43:3, 16, 44:10, 11, 20, 48:19
Carnegies Heltefond for Norge, 40:9, 43:2, 3, 16, 44:10, 48:19
Carnegiestiftelsen, 15:2–3, 5, 28:12, 29:2, 43:3, 16, 44:10, 11, 20, 47:16, 48:19, 52:4
Carnegie Stiftung für Lebenstetter (CSL), 4:6, 6:7, 7:1–2, 4, 15:2, 16:3
Carnegie Tiffany Window, 59:6–7
Carnegie Trust for the United Kingdom and Scotland, 57:3
Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, 10:4
Carnegie U.K. Trust, 10:4, 15:2, 20:5, 43:16, 44:10, 20, 48:19, 52:4, 7
Carnegie, William, 6:3, 59:6
Carney, Michael J., 14:9
Carpenter, James C., 17:4, 19:8
Carpenter, Timothy, 50:11, 12, 51:5
Carrillo, Raul, 58:12, 59:4, 60:4, 63:6
Carr, Jacob T., 20:9
Carroll, James R., 58:13, 60:15
Carson, Gregory J., 16:6, 17:2
Carter, Frank, 26:1
Carter, Owen, 61:14–16
Casanova, Jose L., 58:8, 12, 59:15, 60:14, 70:7
case investigation processes, 1:6, 3:2, 4:7, 6:9, 8:7, 34:13
Casey, Donald K., 12:8
Cashen, Brandon, 7:5
Casto, Mark, 48:15
Caston, Mark, 13:4, 7
Castro, Damien, 71:10, 72:12
Caswell, William S., 64:14
Catania, John, 80:10
Caton, Mildred D. Mason, 19:7
Cavada, Colin, 70:1, 14–15
Cavener, Alan, 43:11, 15
CBS Sunday Morning, 48:1–2, 49:3, 15–16
centennial medal, 1:3, 2:2, 38:8–9
Century of Heroes, A (books), 1:5, 12:11, 13:8, 24:6, 25:4, 47:9
Century of Heroes, A (film), 1:2, 2:3
Chaffin, Stuart, 45:11, 12
Chaine, Alexis, 46:2–3, 50:8–9, 16
Chak, Mei Hing, 51:6, 52:17
Chambers, Douglas R.
anniversary celebration, 1:2
auxiliary events, 12:6, 7, 13:9
awards ceremonies, 1:2, 3:6, 7, 4:3, 5:5, 6, 6:8, 7:8, 9, 10:5, 12:4, 17:3, 19:7, 8, 9, 20:4, 6, 23:8, 26:8, 9, 27:11, 34:5, 38:2
case-minute sketches, 37:4
commemorative book, 1:5
Cresson visit, 22:12
documentary films, 26:10
first awardee tribute, 23:2
grave marker replacement, 15:5
Heartwood heroes assemblies, 32:12, 13
hero fund meeting, 4:6
home visit, 29:12
as international delegate, 4:6
medal presentations, 31:16, 35:4, 8, 12, 36:18, 37:3–4, 39:16, 41:3, 42:5, 8, 45:3, 14, 46:16, 47:9, 49:3
Medal rescue, 15:10
meeting with new Executive Director, 46:4
obituary notice, 56:6
outreach activities, 13:3, 21:2, 29:2
retirement, 16:8, 47:9, 49:4
school visits, 2:5, 4:5, 5:6, 6:4, 15:3, 18:10, 19:9, 21:7, 22:11, 25:8, 26:3, 28:3, 33:3, 43:3
volunteer awards program, 22:10
Chambers, John Aldred, 23:5, 8
Champayne, Jared J., 23:6–7, 9
Chandler, Michael S., 58:12
Chandraratne, Kasun P., 4:4–5, 9:3
Chang, Billy, 78:12
Chan, Justin Tak, 38:11
Chapman, David, 78:10, 80:6
Charles, Timothy, 16:4
Chase, John, 76:14, 15
Chase, Lewis Herbert, 77:3
Chatman, Dominique, 16:6, 17:2
Chavez, Cristina Carrera, 14:8–9
Cheatham, William David, 30:13
Cheek-Milby, Kathleen, 14:4
Cheney, George M., 24:10
Cheng, John, 78:12
Cherok, Jarrett Michael, 6:6, 7:8, 61:17
Chestnut, Michael Eugene, 55:10, 11, 56:18
Chiborak, Deborah, 15:8, 9
Chichester, Chad W., 73:7, 75:5
Chmielnicki, Christopher, 48:12, 17, 50:18
Chormova, Magdalini, 69:10
Christenbury, Thomas M., 34:11
Christensen, Kyle, 42:10
Christiansen, Wayne R., 24:6
Christner, Raymond F., 69:2, 7
Christoff, Theodore L., 13:5, 8
Christopherson, Kyle, 16:5
Chura, Michael T., 28:8, 40:12, 43:6, 48:20
Church Peace Union
See Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
Cindrich, Robert J., 33:1, 4, 5–6, 9, 51:13, 55:21, 70:2
Citizen Service Before Self Honors Medal, 38:4, 7
civilian heroism, 39:10–12
Clancy, Thomas J., 64:4–6, 7
Clark, Daisy Mae, 29:3
Clarke, Lily Blanks, 30:1–2, 5
Clarke, Scott O., 20:9
Clark, John Cody, 36:8
Clark, Joseph, 29:3
Clark, Michael, 80:10
Clark, Robert, 37:14
Clark, William P., 46:6–7
Claudel, Nicholas, 61:11
Clausen, Todd D., 48:10, 11, 49:18, 63:15
Clear, Robert C., 8:7
Clemmons, Cody L., 23:7, 30:13
Clendenen, Wallace Earl, 63:9, 15
Cleveland Waterworks Tunnel Disaster (1916), 64:1–7
Clinton, Orville D., 26:6
Clinton, Ricky D., 33:8
Coast Guard Gold Lifesaving Medal, 37:4–5, 39:10, 47:1, 8–9
Coast Guard Silver Lifesaving Medal, 51:1, 4
Coats, Marlin A., 11:8
Cobb, Jeremy S., 23:6–7, 9, 10
Coblentz, Brian W., 25:9, 26:10
Coburn, Lillian M., 67:13–15
Cockerill, Joseph P., 74:13, 75:7
Coe, Charles L., 31:16, 36:13, 16
Coenen, Stephen F., 5:1, 16:7
Cogswell, Christopher T., 6:6
Cogswell, Stephen, 31:13
Cohen, Sidney, 64:18–19
Cohon, Jared L., 12:5
Cole, Chris A., 19:1, 2, 21:2, 22:6, 23:4, 35:4, 41:3
Cole, Jason Austin, 38:11
Coleman, Blanche R., 25:9
Coleman, Boyce, 45:11, 12
Coleman, Joseph B., 22:6, 73:3, 76:17-19
Coleman, Monroe J., 56:8
Coleman, Terrance W. and Marianne R., 44:11
Coleman, William T., 25:9
Coles, Ivah J., 46:4–5, 48:6–7
Collins, Albert, 40:13, 43:14
Colter, John D., 67:9, 68:7, 69:5
Combs, Curtis W., Sr., 29:11
Combs, Roger, 70:9, 10, 71:1, 4, 72:13
Combs, Rufus K., 33:13
commemorative book, 1:5, 12:11, 13:8, 24:6, 25:4, 38:9, 80:5
commemorative medal, 1:3, 2:2, 9:8, 12:11, 38:8–9, 41:8
See also Carnegie Medal
Conaboy, Sean P., 68:7, 10, 69:5
Conant, Robert, 51:10–11, 53:6
Concha, Jayden Charles, 52:9
Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, 36:17
Congressional Medal of Honor Society, 14:7, 36:16–17, 38:4, 7
Conine, Arthur M., 43:13
Conine, Richard, 18:8
Conklin, Kevin, 73:7, 75:7
Conley, Jane Isbell Frazier, 15:6, 29:1–2
Conley, John (1912 awardee), 36:19
Conley, John (2011 awardee), 29:10, 47:18
Connell, Jeffery Allen, 15:8
Connelly, David J., 57:8, 11, 59:14
Connelly, Robert P., 7:7, 47:16–17
Connerley, Jason, 43:8–9
Connolly, John A., Jr., 8:7
Connolly, Timothy J., 8:7
Connor, D. Chester, 21:3–4
Connors, Thomas J., 22:8, 12
Conroy, Thomas, 16:2
Conselman, Frank B., 53:9, 55:14
Consiglio, Angela C., 71:12, 72:7
Contreras, Philip, 51:16
Conway, Thomas Edgar, 15:5
Cook, Columbus, 14:9, 15:10
Cook, Daniel L., 69:10–11
Cooper, Clerc Higgins, 18:8, 19:3, 28:5, 43:1, 11, 75:1
Cooper, H. Lee, 15:8, 16:6
Cooper, Scott, 62:10
Cooper, Shane, 21:7
Corcoran, Paul, 31:6
Corey, Zachary J., 54:7, 55:5, 13, 20
Cornman, Robert F. M., 10:8, 11:9
coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic, 61:1, 62:1, 6
Corrado, Katie M., 14:8
Corral, J. Manuel, 51:14
Corson, Allen Noble, Jr., 71:10–11, 72:7
Cortese, Mario D., 72:3
Cortese-Munday, Donna, 72:3
Cossalter, Paul, 19:5
Costantini, Albert, 39:6
Costa, Roger, 38:12
Cote, Alan R., 67:9–10, 68:5
Cotter, Kevin Patrick, 44:12, 13, 17
Courier, Dorothy M., 10:11
Courier, John E., Jr., 10:11
Covington, David, 59:13, 61:12, 63:6
Cowart, Kenneth Brandon, 39:7
Cowgur, George W., 19:6
Cox, Chester O., 34:3
Cox, Darren, 64:10
Cox, Diane D., 16:5–6
Cox, Ryan Keith, 66:11
Crafton, Ronald M., 13:5
Crass, Hunter O’Neil, 42:14
Crass, Neil, 42:14
Crecelius, Cheryl A., 43:9–10
Creel, Derek J., 21:1, 6, 24:11
Cresson, Pennsylvania, 22:2–3
Crocker, James D., 18:8, 20:5
Croft, Michael D., 72:5
Crosby, John L., Jr., 27:11
Cross, Craig Allen, 6:1–2, 4, 14:10, 28:14
Crotteau, Carter L., 9:6
Crowley ship rescue, 26:3, 6–7
Crown Family, 28:4, 36:10, 44:4
Croxford, Andrew, 44:10, 52:4
Crump, Kirby, 44:13, 14, 46:9
Crutchfield, Graham, 13:8
Cummings, Kendell Bybee, 77:5, 13, 17
Cummins, Earl E., 5:7, 6:4, 69:12–13
Cuppels, Garrett Raymond, 73:2
Curley, Jennifer, 44:17
Curley, John M., Sr., 39:1, 7, 9, 11, 14
Currie, L. Rodger, 8:5, 9:2, 10:5, 13:3, 14:5, 28:14
Curry, Ronald D., 29:11
Custer, David Lee, 3:6
Cyr, Edward S., 63:10–11, 65:5
Daigle, James P., Jr., 10:8
D’Alonzo, John, 46:10–11
D’Amato, Joseph, 52:4
Damron, Duane, 10:8
Danforth Family, 28:4, 36:10, 44:4
Danforth, Robert, 12:8
Daniels, Kenneth W., 46:15
Daniels, Kevin M., 27:9
Daniels, Lula Bell, 9:2
Danish Hero Fund
See Carnegies Belonningsfond for Heltemod
Danner, Malcolm Lewis, 24:10
Darlington, Elizabeth L., 8:5, 9:2, 11:5, 45:13
Darrohn, Larry G., Jr., 25:7, 26:9
Davanzati, Enrico S., 1:2, 39:13
Daviau, Alec, 71:9
David, James G., 75:8, 77:10
Davies, James W., II, 9:6
Davies, Robert P., 37:3, 7, 38:14, 40:13
Davis, Alarie Ronald, 10:8
Davis, Horace A., 10:7
Davis, Jonathan Michael, 42:11–12, 13
Davis, Kenneth Jeremy, 80:14-15
Davis, Leanue, Jr., 17:4, 19:8
Davis, Roy Kenneth, 18:6
Dawson, Curtis, 15:8, 17:8
Dawson, Jackson E., 6:7, 21:9
Dawson, Mark Samuel, 33:8
Dawson, William E., 39:17
Day, Jeremy, 36:8
Day, Shann Deon, Sr., 17:4
Dea, Terrance A., 73:6
Deauman, Jules, Jr., 65:5
Decker, Cody Lewis, 34:8
De Croo, Herman, 32:7
Deed of Trust, 54:2, 3, 57:1, 2–3, 65:6, 66:2, 7, 70:1, 14, 78:16
DeFelice, Christopher, 34:5, 8, 73:2
DeGrace, Steven, 32:10
DeGregorio, Carmen F., Jr., 26:4, 5, 27:12
DeHaven, Robin, 30:8, 9, 50:1–2
Deighan, Gregory, 10:8
Delaney, Joe, 8:2, 63:1–2
DeLapp, Kyle, 12:8, 13:7–8, 38:4, 14
Delgado, Thomas Joseph, 33:8, 34:3, 5
DellaMonica, Anthony F., Jr., 46:10
Deniker, Clint J., 17:4, 18:3
Denmark, Elnora, 5:5
Denzer, William Harold, 74:2-3
DePaoli, Christopher T., 47:15, 17
De Piazzy, George J., 28:10, 11
Dergousoff, Richard R., 73:5, 10
DeRobbio, Damion, 9:7, 73:4
D’Errico, Alberto, 39:16
Derry, Ryan, 21:5, 8
Desadier, Raymond J., 6:6, 7:3
DeSantes, John, 74:6
Dessoye, Michael Franklin J., 2:3
Detty, Berman P., 51:16
DeVane, Wesley E., 6:5
Devine, Connor N., 54:13, 56:14
DeVine, Donald R., 56:8
de Vries, Hans, 32:14, 45:13
Dewey, Melvil, 7:6
Diamond, Irene, 2:4, 12:4, 34:12, 36:10, 44:4
Dias, Sean R., 60:8
Diaz, Daniel L., 27:8, 28:5
Diaz, Marcos, 39:6–7
Dicken, John Garner, Jr., 68:12
Dickens, Gregory W., 65:5
DiClaudio, Alex, 71:8
Dicus, Jack Timothy, 6:6, 8:7
Diehl, Anthony, 75:11, 12, 76:9, 78:15
Diehl, Ronald L., Jr., 80:10-11
Diener, Joseph, 72:10
Dietrich, William S., III, 31:2, 4
Diggins, Ronald Leon, 49:7
Dillard, William L., 8:4, 76:1, 4-5
Dilley, Marc A. and Margareta E., 44:11
Dillon, William A., 8:7
DiLuca, Phillip H., 59:4, 10–11, 60:7, 14, 61:4, 67:7, 70:7
Dinkins, Jeffery Scott, 36:7
Di Pinto, Peter C., Sr., 57:10–11, 59:15, 75:1,2
Disney, James L., 15:7
Dixon, Jennifer Lynn, 56:11, 57:13
Dixon, Marvin George, 58:8, 12, 59:15, 60:4, 14
DNA research project, 46:2–3
Doig, Jason Alan, 54:9, 55:15
Dolan, William J., 64:3–4, 6, 7
Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation, Ltd., 15:4
Donnell, Joseph D., 75:10-11, 76:8, 78:15, 79:4, 80:4
Dooley, Jeffrey A., 3:7, 12:4, 13:9, 16:8, 31:16, 44:11, 20, 45:4, 46:4, 51:1, 62:4–6
Dorken, Nicholas Ray, 34:7, 35:11, 12
Dorrity, Richard William, 51:13, 52:9–10, 18, 53:14
Dorsey, Courtney Baynes, 53:7
double awardees, 10:2, 39:2, 69:1
Doucette, Louis, 26:6–7
Douglas, Winston S., 62:11
Dowell, James E., 61:6
Dow, Frederick K., 34:7–8
Dow, Jane Margaret, 10:9
Dravo Corporation, 15:4
Dreher, Deonna M., 16:8
Drennan, Horace William, III, 79:12, 80:8
Driscoll, Patrick J., 69:8, 71:7
Driscoll, William J., 45:11, 12
Drozdo, Michael F., 10:9
Druckenmiller, Fiona and Stanley, 28:4, 36:10, 44:4
Duckworth, Paul R., 64:18–19
Dudgeon, Kennard N., 52:7
Dudley, Michael Austin, 29:1, 11
Duerden, Patrick, 12:8–9
Duffey, David P., 75:12, 77:7
Dugan, Ross, 62:10–11
Dugatkin, Lee, 10:10
Duggan, Christopher Alan, 10:10, 11:7
Duke, Thurston, 10:8, 13:2
Dulkis, David A., 64:10
Dumas, Katherine M., 14:8–9
Duncan, Brent D., 62:9, 63:16
Duncan, David, 56:10, 57:16
Duncan, James, 41:4
Duncan, Scott E., 77:12
Dunn, Alexander F., 27:6, 13
Dunn, L. D., 40:15
Dunn, Michael B., 62:11
Dupre, Chase Michael, 80:14
Duquesne Club, 12:9
Dutch Hero Fund
See Stichting Carnegie Heldenfonds
Dyess, A. James (Jimmie), 1:5, 25:4–5, 31:5, 36:17, 41:3, 43:1, 61:7
Eaddy, Lawrence R., Jr., 6:5
Eagle Tail, Lyle, 40:6–7, 8
Eakle, James W., 7:7
Eberle, Stephen Anthony, 58:13, 60:15
Eddy, George, 37:14, 38:5
Edele, Shawn William, 18:9
Edgell, Thomas L., 63:7–8
Edwards, Brent Rudy, 56:8, 9, 57:2, 16, 60:4
Edwards, Eric W., 52:11
Edwards, Nickolas J., 23:7, 25:4, 5
Edwards, Victor Carl, 14:5, 30:15, 46:5
Edwards, William H., 1:8, 36:2–3, 5, 41:5
Eicher, Robert W., 53:1, 4, 55:22–23
Eichner, Lambert G., 26:11
Elbrecht, Thomas, 76:13, 14, 78:7
Eldred, Matthew A., 35:13–14
Eldridge, Laurie Ann, 31:9
Elgas, Michael, 42:9, 10, 11
Eliason, Marcus L., 56:9, 57:2
Elkins, Miranda A., 10:10
Elko, Ron Allen, 54:11, 55:20, 56:17
Ellegood, G. Lindell, 9:7
Ellegood, Katherine W., 9:7
Elliott, Brendan T., 17:6
Ellis, Cara A., 30:8
Ellis, Jacob R., 50:5
Ellison, Marc J., 11:9, 12:7, 14:7, 58:8–9
Elston, E. Hale, 78:4
Embry, Jessica Lea, 74:13, 75:1,4
Emmerling, Matthew J., 10:9
Emo, Jennifer E., 55:11, 56:18
Emory, William Hugh, 32:7
Enns, Steven M., 36:9
Erdely, Griffin, 74:6-7
Ericson, Donald, 25:6
Ericson, Maria Christine, 5:7
Erjavec, John F., 14:10
Ernst, Lucy E., 20:3, 6, 7
Erwin, Luke, 65:4
Espenshade, Craig R., 28:11, 30:10, 11
Estes, Steven Bradley, 25:7
Etre, Christopher, 65:10, 11
Euchenhofer, Christian E., 48:10
Evans, Albert, 80:13
Evans, Michael D., Jr., 10:9
everday heroism, 76:2-3
Ewing, Jason, 35:7, 37:5
Exceptional Graduates
Hannah Radke, 61:14–16
Jenna Fanelli, 57:1, 4–5
Madeline Baker, 63:4–5
Marc J. Ellison, 58:8–9
Niya Townsend, 59:8–9
Robert Hart Morgan, 66:12–13
Summer N. White, 68:1, 3
Eyman, Herbert W., 1:5, 34:13
Facebook, 41:1, 4, 42:14, 44:7, 45:4, 49:16
Fagan, Brenda Beth, 63:17–19
Fagan, Jencie Regina, 9:5, 14:7, 18:10, 28:14, 38:7
Fairbank, Parker Wheeler, 52:4
Falconer, Robert G., II, 13:5
Falkenstein, Kristian F., 54:12, 56:8, 15, 70:14–15
fallen educators memorial, 39:4, 71:2, 3
Falzo, Anthony G., 49:15
Familia, Enmanuel, 71:12, 72:7, 80:2-3
Fanelli, Jenna, 45:11, 12, 52:6, 57:1, 4–5, 75:1
Fanno, Dominick, 16:3
Fant, Julian W., 26:9, 41:9, 46:16
Faraci, Clifford, 41:11, 12
Faris, Wegayewu S., 77:16
Farley, Jacob, 61:4, 8, 62:7
Farmer, Sir Tom, 4:2, 3, 12:4, 36:10, 44:4
Farrell, Gabriel, Jr., 34:15
Farrell, James T., 34:15
Fath, Colin D., 40:8, 42:8
Fath, Graham W., 40:8, 41:2, 42:8, 9, 55:17
Fauci, Anthony, 2:4
Faur, Justin Paul, 7:5, 12:11
Feagan, Tyler P., 39:9
Fear on Hold podcast, 75:1-3
Feeney, Charles F., 44:5
Feiling, Stacey Lynn, 34:9, 35:8–9, 37:2, 4
female awardees, 41:4, 7, 57:2
Fenton, Steve, 28:8
Fenwick, Mickie, 63:12
Fera, Brian, 32:14
Fernandez Sanchez, Pedro
See Sanchez, Pedro Fernando
Ferrell, Robert, 18:1, 2, 8, 21:2
Ferrier, Gary George, 30:5
Fesen, Michael, 6:4
Fields, Cody, 49:12, 15, 50:18
15:13 feature
Anthony D. Quaglione, 41:6–7
Antonio Varacalli, 50:6–7
background information, 38:7, 9, 44:17
Billy A. Nix, 44:8–9
Bruce Douglas Badgett, 49:4–5
Charles B. Hamilton, Jr., 36:4
Dmetrie Benuik, 40:4–5
Donald Noel Harwood, 47:4–5
E. Hale Elston, 78:4
George C. Reitmeier, 46:6, 8
Geraldine T. McBride, 43:6–7
Harold Clayton Gabourie, 40:4–5
Harold M. Starkey, 60:1, 4–5
Henry W. Meyers, 56:4–5
Ignatius J. Raif, 42:8–9
Jarvise Shelton, 39:10
John A. Klang, 48:4–5
John Minadeo, 54:1, 5
Kyle Robert Hardman, 39:10–11
Lincoln J. Partridge, 45:12–13
Mary Frances Housley, 52:1–3
Owen Carter, 61:14–16
Primitivo Garcia, 51:6–7
Richard Jon Starkey, 60:1, 4–5
Samuel E. Wolf, 38:7
Travis Wayne Koehler, 37:11
Walter R. Fuchs, 69:1, 12
Fillingham, Edward Jay, 23:6, 7, 25:2
Finn, Raimie, 14:6
Fiorini, Angel Darlene, 53:10, 54:14
fire rescue training, 20:7
Fisher, Aiken W., 1:2
Fisher, Benjamin R., Jr., 1:2, 44:6
Fisher, Benjamin R., Sr., 1:2, 44:6
Fisher, Lilian H., 44:6
Fisher, Mark, 11:9
Fitzpatrick, Julie, 25:6, 27:5
Fitzpatrick, Steven W., 60:7, 8, 61:2, 70:7, 71:8, 74:14
Flagler, Henry, 5:6, 10:5, 14:6
Flanagan, George J., 28:9, 30:3
Flanagan, Robert Hugh, 28:9, 11, 30:3
Flanigan, John H., 8:5, 10:6, 13:3
Fleming, Dennis, 29:3, 11
Fletcher, Calindo C., Jr., 47:11, 48:20
Flood, John, 37:14
Flowers, Kendall D., 65:11
Flynn, G. Frank, 51:16
Fode, Henning, 44:10, 11, 20
Foley, Robert B., 22:12
Foley, Thomas, 2:4
Fondation Carnegie, 20:5, 22:9, 24:4
Fondazione Carnegie per gli Atti di Eroismo, 39:14, 16, 41:3, 43:16, 44:10, 48:19, 52:4, 61:5, 65:7
Foote, Timothy John, 16:6, 17:6
Forbes, William J., 26:11
Forbush, John Dean, 80:11, 12
Foreman, Christopher M., 43:4–5, 44:20, 45:4, 46:4, 49:4, 62:6
Formento, Dominick, 37:14
Forrester, Gerald M., 74:3
Fortin, Suzanne, 71:11, 12, 75:5, 77:5
Fortner, Robert Z., 72:11
Foster, Stephen M., 7:5
Foundation for Civilian Bravery (Sri Lanka), 4:4–5, 9:3
Fourney, Conrad, 14:9
Foust, Thomas Eugene, 19:4, 5, 56:7
Fox, George W., 32:7
Fox, Lisa Maria, 72:10–11
Fox, Trevor, 31:7
Francis, Lawrence, 25:2
Franco, John A., 65:12
Franklin, Michael J., 2:3
Franz, Daniel, 73:9, 74:9
Fraser, David, 4:6
Frawley, Michael Thomas, 45:8, 47:17
Frazier, Evan S., 44:18, 45:4, 51:13, 52:4, 53:11, 55:21, 74:15
Frederick, Donald W., 15:10
Fredrickson, Thomas S., 40:1, 9, 41:2
Fredrickson, Tyler T., 40:1, 8, 9, 41:2, 42:8
Freitas, Ronaldo J., 46:12, 14, 47:18
French Hero Fund, 20:5, 22:9, 43:2–3
Frick, Henry Clay, 7:9, 12:7, 47:5, 50:2, 4–5
Friedrich, Mark J., 5:1, 2
friends remembered
Alejandro J. Muñoz, 55:17
Alfred M. Lee, 24:13
Alida E. Pettit Worobel, 16:8
Allan Thaler, 19:7
Alvan C. Hirshberg, 33:12
Ander L. Hopkins, 42:7
Andre J. Ledbetter, 69:12
Annie Pearl Graham, 28:14
Arnold Warren Parrett, 76:3
Arthur M. Scully, Jr., 24:10
Barbara J. Aspeslet, 31:13, 15
Baxter S. Pynn, 27:14
Benjamin M. Blostein, 80:4
Berman P. Detty, 51:16
Betty C. Taylor Raimo, 10:11
Blanche R.Coleman, 25:9
Bobby Jack McGuire, 30:14
Brenda S. Maw, 70:13
Bruce A. Baxter, 71:5
Camille Mikalik, 59:8
Carl E. Benson, 40:12–13
Carolyn M. Kelly, 14:10
Cecilia D. Washington, 26:11
Charles Edward Britt, 64:15–16
Charles Gordon, 18:10
Charles Noland Pierceall, 73:2–3
Charles S. Harris, 72:2–3
C. James Rospert, 59:9
Clarence Q. Urbain, 63:8–9
Clementine U. Brown, 48:6
Connelly Phelps Parker, Jr., 55:16
Craig Allen Cross, 28:14
Curtis Ray New, 55:16
Daisy Mae Clark, 29:3
Damion DeRobbio, 73:4
Daniel E. Stockwell, 20:10
Darrell Van Etten, Sr., 18:10
Daryle, E. Rearick, 15:7
David Anderson Young, 50:7
David J. Gretkowski, 55:21
David L. Morris, 25:9
Dennis J. Myers, 74:2
Dennis Joos, 27:14
Dessie Hayter Leaming, 9:7
Dianne R. McKenzie, 61:17
Donal A. Wallace, 76:5
Donald J. O’Lone, 32:7
Donna Cortese-Munday, 72:3
Doris M. Moakler Kolodzeske, 12:10
Dorothy M. Courier, 10:11
Douglas R. Chambers, 56:6
Duane E. Vanlanham, 58:4
Earl C. Moorman, 70:13
Earl E. Cummins, 69:12–13
Earl L. Zimmerman, 46:15
E. Bayley Buchanan, 26:11
Edmund L. Zernach, 55:20
Edsel G. Lorenzen, 55:16
Elizabeth E. Ghear McHugh, 7:8
Elizabeth L. Darlington, 45:13
Enrico S. Davanzati, 39:13
Ernest Lee Krueger, 68:7, 12
Evelyn Bryan Johnson, 31:13
Evelyn M. Neininger, 55:20
Gale O. Shreffler, 40:13
Garry Brem, 78:3
Gary F. Lamberty, 64:13
Gary Lee Thompson, 13:6
George E. Lennerton, 13:6
George E. Phillips, 55:15
George H. Taber, 16:8
George L. Smith, 27:14
George W. Fox, 32:7
Gerald A. LaMonica, 62:12
Gerald L. Barcus, 26:11
Gerald M. Forrester, 74:3
Gerald W. Quigley, 55:17
Gerard Jansen, 68:12
Gladys Mae Willis, 58:4
Graham W. Fath, 55:17
Harold E. Pulsifer, Jr., 23:10
Harold G. Hills, 37:14
Harry A. Oiler, Jr., 77:18
Harvey Randolph, 30:14
Henry C. Cameron, 48:6–7
Henry L.Hillman, 50:3
Herbert A. Moran, 64:13
Herbert E. Saindon, 33:12
Hershal B. Sargent, 46:15
Howard R.Giles, II, 43:13
Hugh James Preacher, 17:9
Hugo F. Greco, 38:14
Jackie A. Wellington, 48:7
Jack Markowitz, 50:3
James C. Kirkendall, 30:13
James Clayton Bailey, 80:4-5
James E. Spruill, 66:7
James L. Brown, 33:12
James L. Disney, 15:7
James M. Walton, 68:2, 7
James O. Vernon, 65:15–16
James R. McCarron, 24:10, 13
James R. S. Brennan, 17:9
James R. Seitz, 65:15
James R. Ussery, Jr., 50:7
James Walter Polowy, 69:2
Jamison S. Koczan, 78:16
Jane Isbell Frazier Conley, 29:1–2
Jarrett Michael Cherok, 61:17
Jason Mitchell Norman, 67:7
Jean B. J. Vautour, 57:5
Jeffrey Robert Wieser, 47:6–7
Jesse C. Garcia, IV, 78:3, 15
Jessie T. R. Spittal, 44:8
J. Evans Rose, Jr., 31:15
Jim Roddey, 77:6, 18
Joe F. Timmons, Sr., 8:7
John A. Connolly, Jr., 8:7
John C. Bowers, 22:12
John C. Springer, 38:14
John E. Swartz, 80:5
John F. Erjavec, 14:10
John Garner Dicken, Jr., 68:12
John g. Patrick, 77:3
John H. Brinkman, 66:6
John M. Beane, 42:6–7
John M. Greig, 55:16
John M. Krahn, 80:5, 19
John M. Perritt, Jr., 63:9
John R. Bazella, 30:13
John R. Kolthoff, 30:13–14
John W. Blazek, Jr., 14:10
John William Oplinger, 64:15
John W. Leahy, 17:9
Jon M. Shelby, 33:12
Joseph B. Coleman, 73:3
Joseph E. LaRocca, 40:13
Joseph Hardenbrook, 40:13
Joseph R. Sowers, 45:13
Joseph W. Alderman, 70:14
Joshua Stewart Wright, 72:5
Katherine W. Ellegood, 9:7
Kenneth L. Gerondale, 63:7
Kenneth L. Hanke, 34:9
Kenneth M. Walker, Sr., 18:10
Kenneth W. Daniels, 46:15
Kristian F. Falkenstein, 70:14–15
Lambert G. Eichner, 26:11
Lawrence R. Paulhus, 16:7
Lawrence W. Haywiser, 55:17
Leon A. Williams, 20:11
Leslie M. Hough, 59:8
Lewis Herbert Chase, 77:3
Lloyd L. Waterman, 16:7
Louis R. Zabinski, 72:5
Lowell E. Kayser, 39:13, 15
L. Rodger Currie, 28:14
Lucien G. Virgile, 30:14
Mabel N. Brown, 16:7
Malcolm Lewis Danner, 24:10
Margaret Frances Pappalardo Shields, 48:7
Margaret Williams Herrington, 29:1–2
Marion J. Wheeler, Jr., 57:5
Marita M. Railsback, 8:7
Mark James Hoffman, 64:13–14
Marvin E. Panch, 45:13
Mary Austill, 55:21
Mary Holt Johnson Boswell, 30:13
Maryland Wilson Shytles, 12:10
Mary Laverne McDaniel, 50:3
Mary Rose Noga, 11:11
Matthew R. Scribner, 78:15
Melvin E. Windsor, 40:12
Melvin G. Kauffman, 72:3–4
Michael D. Croft, 72:5
Michael Paul Mizzone, 59:9
Michael Robert Keyser, 61:17
Michael S. Rucinski, 27:14
Mildred D. Mason Caton, 19:7
Natalia Lobur Jagusczak, 20:11
Norman c. Van Arsdalen, 77:19
Odis Lee Jones, Jr., 74:2
Paul H. Olson, 43:13
Peter G. Veeder, 37:14
Philip Bevacqua, 43:13
Philip Contreras, 51:16
Philip J. Spear, 37:14
Phillip S. McDonald, 78:15-16
Ralph Allen Kelley, 7:8
R. A. Mills, 69:7, 12
Randall ODell Williams, 69:2
Randell Ranson, 44:8
Raymond F. Christner, 69:2, 7
Raymond F. Gooch, 44:8
Raymond L. Robinson, 50:7
Richard D. Lockwood, 39:15
Richard G. McLeod, 25:9
Richard H. Spencer, 11:11
Richard L. Brown, 34:9
Ricky Don Bailey, 65:16
Robert B. Foley, 22:12
Robert C. Clear, 8:7
Robert C. Meyer, 39:13
Robert D. Parr, 77:18
Robert D. Reinhart, Jr., 50:3
Robert E. Brey, 31:15
Robert H. Blasko, 75:2
Robert P. Davies, 38:14
Rogene A. Vartanian McCorquodale, 73:2
Roger Alan Scalf, 11:11
Ronald E. Swartzlander, 23:10
Ronald F. McMahon, 33:12
Ronald Larsen, 65:16
Ronald L. Baliko, 71:5
Ronald Lee McKeown, 64:16
Ronald Leon Diggins, 49:7
Ronald Norman Grant, 63:8
Ronald W. Miracle, 51:16
Ross G. Guy, 50:3
Roy Hart, 67:12
Ruth Ella Thomas, 49:7
Ryan B. Phillips, 70:15
Scott Walter Asson, 13:6
Shane Douglas Burger, 66:6–7
Stanley W. Bowes, 76:2-3
Stephen F. Coenen, 16:7
Steven Alan Tarnoff, 76:2
Suzanne Gottwald, 10:11
Thelma D. Mander, 9:7
Theresa E. Leduc, 67:7
Thomas A. Grant, 19:7
Thomas E. Lucore, 26:11
Thomas J. Norsworthy, 47:6–7
Thomas L. Edgell, 63:7–8
Timothy J. Connolly, 8:7
Todd D. Clausen, 63:15
V. E. Kilpatrick, Jr., 55:20
Vernon R. Hughes, 57:5
Verrill D. Stalberg, 19:7
Vincent Santaniello, 56:7
Wallace Earl Clendenen, 63:9, 15
Walter F. Ward, 7:8
Wanda Marie Blackburn, 61:17
Waymon L. Halsell, 47:7
William A. Dillon, 8:7
William David Cheatham, 30:13
William F. Bauman, 27:14
William F. Goldstrom, 39:13
William Harold Denzer, 74:2-3
William Hugh Emory, 32:7
William J. Forbes, 26:11
William P. Snyder, III, 42:6
William R. Wimble, 49:7
William S. Caswell, 64:14
Yuen Kong Won, 64:14–15
Frontiero, Paul F., III, 39:1, 3, 6
Frost, Charles S., 9:10
Frye, Scott, 37:7
Fuchs, Walter R., 69:1, 12
Fullerton, Eric L., 24:7–8
Fultz, Jim O., 41:3, 11, 12
Funccius, Erich M., 67:8–9
Funck, Carlton H., 47:8
Funk, W. John, 10:9
Gabourie, Harold Clayton, 40:4–5, 45:4
Gadwell, Brian R., 54:10, 55:20, 56:8, 15, 62:7
Gahan, Ernest E., 32:1, 5, 80:20-23
Gainer, Bradford, 65:1, 8
Galante, Gachino, 14:8
Gallagher, Richard J., 8:5, 10:5
Gallie, John W., 46:12
Gallo, Adrian, 48:14, 16, 17, 49:18
Galloway, Donald L., 28:9
Galotti, Paul, 73:7, 8, 77:5
Gammill, William P., 16:2, 64:18–19
Gandolfo, Richard J., 59:12–13, 60:13
Gannon, Walter M., 21:6
Garcia, Adolfo, 22:10
Garcia, Cesar Andy, 44:17, 45:8, 47:17
Garcia, Felipe Red, 29:3
Garcia, Jesse C., IV, 37:7, 78:3, 15
Garcia, Michael, 63:12, 13
Garcia, Primitivo, 51:6–7, 52:17
Gardner, Gabriel Lucas, 73:6–7
Gardner, Joshua J., 45:1, 12
Garlinghouse, Edward J., 38:11
Garrett, Jeffrey, 62:10
Garrett, Neil Andrew, 68:8, 9
Garsteck, Mark A., 34:9, 35:8–9, 37:4
Gartner, Steven M., 12:8, 13:8, 22:12, 38:14
Garvey, Henry H., III, 10:8
Garvey, James Raymond, Sr., 53:2, 3, 9–10, 54:16, 55:1–3
Gary Olson Family, 45:2, 3, 8–9
Gates Family, 2:4, 7:1, 10:3, 12:4, 34:12, 36:10, 44:4, 50:6
Gauss, Samuel D., 22:8, 23:4
Gay, Michael Earl, Sr., 24:7, 8, 26:9
Gaynor, William J., 1:8, 36:2–3
Geer, Raymond A., 30:3, 4, 5
Gemmell, Claire, 7:1, 11:4, 20:5
Gemmell, David, 7:1
gender, hero, 39:10–11, 41:7, 53:2, 57:2
Genter, Elizabeth H., 1:2
George, Terry E., 4:6–7, 6:8, 36:14–15, 45:14
Geppi, Matthew J., 47:10
Gerndt, Michael J., Sr., 25:5
Gerondale, Kenneth L., 63:7
Gibbons, Pierre Joseph, 63:12, 13, 65:7
Gibbs, Kyle V., 42:13, 14
Gibson, John Shannon, 41:12, 42:8
Gibson, Timothy Lucas, 23:6, 24:12
Gies, Steven J., 16:4, 17:3
Gigliotti, Richard M., 10:11
Gilbert, Cameron C., 28:9, 40:5
Gilbert, Robert Leigh, III, 26:10
Giles, Howard R., II, 43:13
Giles, James Edward, 53:8, 9, 55:4, 57:8
Giles, Rev. H. J., 3:3
Gilleland, Burnell, 70:3
Gillespie, Natalie L., 45:13
Gill, Harmanjeet Singh, 64:11
Gil, Marcos, 62:8–9, 65:6
Gimon, Eleanor Hewlett, 4:2
Gindlesperger, Autumn, 65:7
Gingras, Jason William, 42:13
Girvan, Krista D., 21:6
Giunta, Domenic G., 3:2, 6:9, 7:7
Gladu, Edward M., 57:17, 19
Glass, Alexander G., 23:7, 9
Glorioso, James, Jr., 63:13
Gluck, Josef, 68:8
Gluckleder, Charles G., 47:13
Goering-Jensen, Robbie, 51:8–9, 52:8
Goetsch, Dylan M., 60:9–10, 62:3, 71:8
Goffinet, Grant A., 62:9, 63:16
Golden, Emilyn, 73:6, 75:5, 80:4
Golden, Paul, 11:7
Goldfarb, Jonathan L., 65:12, 66:4
Goldfarb, Matthew, 65:12, 66:4
Golding, Gary A., Jr., 44:12
Goldstrom, William F., 39:13
Gollwitzer, Donald R., 8:5, 14:7
Gomillia, Del’Trone D., 5:5, 14:6
Gonzales, Mark Anthony, 72:11
Gooch, Kenneth Raye, Jr., 58:12, 61:1, 4
Gooch, Raymond F., 44:8, 45:5, 48:7
Goode, Keno, Sr., 38:10, 11, 41:2
Gooding, Kevin Robert, 27:7
Goorsky, Hannah Lynn, 21:3, 7, 23:9, 27:14
Gordon, Charles, 18:10
Gore, Todd M., 7:5
Gorman, Louis, 59:17–19
Gorton, George E., III, 19:3, 5, 7
Goss, Kenneth M., 26:4–5
Gottschalk, Robert B., 66:1–2, 3
Gottwald, Suzanne, 10:11
Gottwald, Zoltan E., 10:11
Gough, Donald George, 23:6, 9, 27:2
Gouker, Craig M., 15:9, 17:2
Goulet, Helen, 45:2, 8, 13
Govoni, Daniel John, 11:11
Graf-Litscher, Edith, 27:10, 31:12, 43:16
Graham, Annie Pearl, 28:14
Graham, Glenn L., 46:15, 47:17
Graham, Taylor, 28:14
Grammas, Matthew I., 40:8, 42:8
Granahan, Joseph J., 13:9
Grantham, Jeremy and Hanne, 44:5
Grant, Henry F. F., 63:10, 64:1–2
Grant, Ronald Norman, 31:17, 63:8
grants, 45:4, 61:5, 65:7, 69:3
Grant, Thomas A., 19:7
grave markers
Albert E. Johnson, 70:1, 3
Alvan C. Hirshberg, 50:16
Amos Franklin Cantrell, 31:10
Ansel James, 40:10–11
Anthony Montville, 42:3
Antonio Varacalli, 38:13
August Kauzlarich, 24:6
availability, 57:7, 58:5, 63:8
background information, 11:1, 4
Burnell Gilleland, 70:3
Carlton H. Funck, 47:8
Clifford J. Baker, 36:15
Dmetrie Benuik, 45:4, 47:8
E. Hale Elston, 78:4
Fred Alsman, 68:12
George A. Bradley, 31:10
George W. Cowgur, 19:6
Harry D. Bradley, 31:10
Henry W. Meyers, 56:4–5
Ivah J. Coles, 48:6–7
Jackson E. Dawson, 21:9
James M. Hermansen, 52:1
John James McAleese, 19:6
John Morris, 43:3
John N. Miller, 52:18–19
Justin Paul Faur, 12:11
Karl J. Laux, 45:15
Katherine Mansfield Hoopes, 20:4
Larkin Thedford, 29:13
Link Luckett, 61:7, 16
Louis A. Baumann, Jr., 23:2
Louis G. Burkhalter, 58:7
Mary Frances Housley, 52:3
Paul H. Olson, 49:8–9
Randall Scott Brewer, 21:9
Raymond F. Gooch, 48:7
Raymond J. Grundler, 64:4
Robert H. Rutherford, 49:8
Robert W. Eicher, 55:22–23
Ruby Hattie Lindsay, 51:17
Samuel A. Spencer, 24:6
Samuel E. Wolf, 38:7
Sam W. Reed, 31:16
Sarah Flonnie Holliman, 55:18–19
Thomas Edgar Conway, 15:5
Walter R. Fuchs, 69:1, 12
Weldon M. Praytor, 51:4
William McRae, 52:18
Gravois, Layne Paul, 69:11, 70:5, 76:5
Gray, Elbert, 34:10–11, 36:14
Gray, Gary K., 9:5
Grayson, Joseph H., 9:5
Greco, Hugo F., 38:14
Greeley, Horace Raymond, 11:12
Green, Carlton, 17:5
Greene, Daniel Patrick, 46:11, 13–14, 15
Green, John J., III, 51:10, 52:4, 8
Greeno, Richard David, 50:13–14, 51:5
Greenwald, Justin Lee, 48:11, 14, 50:17, 52:6
Gregorian, Vartan, 4:3, 7:1, 12:3–4, 18:7, 20:1, 27:6, 28:4, 6, 11, 29:3, 36:1, 10, 11, 44:4, 17, 51:6, 52:15, 17, 58:2–3, 6, 59:6, 65:1–3, 20
Gregory, S. Rance, 65:4
Greig, John M., 55:16
Gretkowski, David J., 55:21
Greving, Jacob A., 29:4, 33:9, 41:5
Griep,William James, Jr., 47:10, 11–12
Griffin, Charles Raymond, 42:3
Griffin, Cody James, 9:5
Griffin, DeWayne W., 15:9, 17:1, 3
Griffin, Louise, 7:3
Griffith, Theodore and Lisa Marie, 44:11
Grigg, Phillip Ashley, 44:12, 15
Grimmett, Joshua Gary, 49:12, 14, 50:17
Grogan, Virginia R., 38:12, 41:2
Gross, Bryan Phillip, 31:8, 33:12
Grotkowski, Alphonce F., 57:17, 19
group awards, 15:4–5
Grove, Kim R., 21:6
Groves, Kimberly Lynn, 43:9, 10
Grube, Nathan Michael, 7:7
Grubich, Carol, 2:5
Grundler, Raymond J., 56:1, 8, 64:4
Grytness, Lasca Joy, 61:18–19
Guevara, Melvin, 12:8
Guffey, McKenzie McKay, 43:1–2, 11, 44:3, 19, 72:2
Gulick, Earl, 55:8
Gund, Agnes, 4:2, 12:4, 36:10, 44:4
Gunderson, Emma, 6:6
Gunia, Adolph, 7:8, 12:10, 23:10, 48:2, 3, 5
Gunia, Charles, Jr., 7:8
Gunia, Charles, Sr., 7:8
Gunia, Earl, 7:8
Gunia, Jan, 7:8
Guptill, Sidney A., 72:14–15
Gurnon, Kenneth D., 14:8
Gutierrez, Francis J., 19:5
Guy, Ross G., 50:3
Haas Family, 44:5–6
Haas, George W., 15:3
Haas, Paul, 21:5
Haas, Timothy B., 21:2, 5
Hadfield, Jason, 69:8–9, 70:4, 71:8
Haggerty, James B., 11:4, 27:3
Hahn, Jason J., 68:9, 10, 70:7
Hahn, Michael F., 13:5, 6
Haight, John Lynn, 32:1, 8
Haldeman, Kirk D., 30:12, 31:6, 32:13, 33:3, 11, 36:15
Hale, Jerry L., 7:5, 6
Hale, John Nash, 36:3, 7–8, 39:15–16, 43:3
Haley, Daniel Harrison, 29:3, 30:8, 32:3, 33:3
Hall, Aaron M., 39:12–13
Hall, Alan B., 34:5, 6, 8, 37:2
Hall, Philip L., 60:10–11, 68:7, 69:7
Halsell, Waymon L., 47:7
Hamblin, Joseph B., 50:11–12, 51:12
Hamilton, Charles B., Jr., 36:4
Hamilton, Kenneth L., 61:4, 8, 64:7
Hamley, Jamie, 22:7
Hammond, David E., 52:10–11, 18, 53:6
Hammond, Nathan, 66:10, 11, 68:7
Hance, Tyler James, 60:8–9
Handley, Robyn, 77:5, 17
Hanke, Kenneth L., 34:9, 35:3–4
Hankes, Margaret, 41:7
Hanley, Justin Lowell, 40:6, 41:3, 8, 9
Hanlon, Lawrence A., 4:7
Hanna, Matthew M., 63:12, 14
Hansen, Charles Albert William, 33:9–11
Hansen, Kenneth Arnold, 47:10
Hansen, Theodore, 18:4
Hanson, August H. G., 41:14–15
Hanson, Cameron K., 61:8–9
Hanson, Robert Lee, 5:3, 6:8
Hanson, Stephen P., 13:5, 6, 8
Hapke, Jürgen, 9:1, 5, 10:7
Hardenbrook, Joseph, 40:13
Harder, Stephen, 77:14, 15, 78:6, 15
Harding, Thomas St. John, 36:6, 8
Hardman, Kyle Robert, 38:10, 39:10–11, 47:8
Hardwick, Daniel C., 41:3, 11, 12
Hare, Matthew, 40:7–8
Hargis, Ruby
See Lindsay, Ruby Hattie
Harkins, Ashley, 77:14, 78:8
Harling, Sanford, III, 50:12, 13, 51:3, 13, 57:6
Harn, Merlin, 17:4, 5
Harper, Richard Shawn, 21:6, 23:9
Harris, Allen Chadwick, 21:6
Harris, Andrea L., 58:13, 59:4, 60:4, 15, 62:7, 63:6
Harris, Charles S., 20:6, 10, 22:6, 44:3, 19, 47:18, 48:20, 50:17, 51:15, 52:16, 54:17, 58:16, 72:2–3
Harris, Duncan O. C., 49:10, 50:15
Harrison, Kristian B., 57:9–10, 58:16
Hart, Abraham John, 19:3, 21:3
Hartigan, Scott T., 22:1, 7
Hartman, Cody, 72:9, 10
Hart, Roy, 67:12
Harward, Eula Lee, 25:2, 7
Harwick Coal Mine, 12:6, 7, 13:9, 15:11, 25:9, 48:2, 3, 49:9, 57:2
Harwood, Donald Noel, 47:4–5
Hatch, Dale Arnold, 10:2, 20:10
Hatfield, Michael S., 26:4, 10
Hattaway, Matthew Ray, 42:10, 13, 43:12
Haugen, Zachary Johnson, 69:7, 11
Havens, Keith B., 25:2, 3, 6
Havens, Zachary Prince, 25:2, 3, 6
Havens, Zane W., 25:2, 3, 6
Haw, Jesse T., 52:10, 53:11
Hawj, Kenphenyeehu, 44:13, 15
Hawkins, Benjamin M., 55:9, 11, 57:14
Hawk, Thomas Lee, 76:12, 77:8
Haye, Robert, 39:15
Hayes, Joseph D., 27:7
Hayes, V. Thomas, Sr., 61:10, 11
Hays, Nicholas A., 36:8
Haywiser, Lawrence W., 3:7, 51:2, 55:17
Hazelrigg, John, 55:10, 57:15
Hazen, Loren Earl, 34:6
Healey, Joseph M., 25:6, 9
Heartwood Institute, 32:12
Heath, Edward Darwin, 21:7
Heath, George A., 50:11, 14
Heathman, Brannon D., 48:10–11
Hebrink, Mark Wayne, 7:5
Hecht, Scott, 24:8, 25:3–4
Heck, Allen Lee, 24:9, 11, 25:3
Heimbach, Jeffrey R., 24:7
Heinz Family, 11:2, 12:3, 34:12, 36:10, 44:4, 50:6
Heinz Regional Pittsburgh History Center, 3:4
Heinz, Teresa, 11:2, 12:3
Heleine, Christopher, 40:7
Heltefond for Norge, 40:9
Hemphill, Athala, 1:6
Hemphill, George D., 1:3, 34:1, 2–3
Henderson, Ernest W., 62:7, 12, 78:1, 4
Henderson, Theodore, Sr., 34:13
Hendrix, Edward P., 73:4–5
Hennessee, Jackie L., 3:1–2
Hennessee, Jeffrey L., 3:1
Henrich, Benjamin S., 13:6, 15:4–5
Hensley, James Lonnie, 6:6
Henslin, Maddison, 60:11, 64:15
Hermansen, James M., 52:1
Hernandez, Edwin, 19:4
Hernandez, Robert M., 33:1, 4
hero demographic information, 39:10–12, 41:7, 45:2–3, 53:2, 57:2–3, 61:2, 65:6–7, 77:2
Heroes assemblies, 32:12, 13, 14
Hero Fund
annual lecture, 13:9
annual meeting, 51:13, 16, 66:13, 70:2, 74:15, 78:1
annual report, 5:1–3, 9:1–2, 6, 12:11, 13:1–3, 7, 21:1–2, 29:1–3, 41:3, 57:6, 58:9, 60:6, 69:1, 3
assistance programs, 3:4–5
“attributes of a hero” botanical sketch, 29:12
award guidelines, 24:1–4
Belgium, 32:6–7, 33:3, 44:10, 48:19, 52:4
benefits, 26:1–2
biennial forum, 20:5, 11, 36:2, 3
Carnegie Hero Funds World Committee, 32:11, 14, 36:2–3, 37:5, 39:14, 16, 41:3, 43:3, 16, 44:5, 10–11, 45:4, 47:16, 48:18, 49:3, 52:4, 55:18
CBS Sunday Morning broadcast, 48:1–2, 49:15–16
commemorative book, 1:5, 12:11, 13:8, 24:6, 25:4, 38:9, 74:4-5, 75:5, 76:4, 79:6, 80:5
commemorative medal, 1:3, 2:2, 9:8, 12:11, 38:8–9, 41:8
delegate meeting, 28:11, 13, 29:3, 32:11, 14, 39:14, 16, 44:10–11, 48:18–19
Denmark, 43:3, 16, 44:10, 11, 20, 48:19
distinctive facts, 31:16
documentary films, 26:10
donations, 6:4, 44:6
Facebook page, 41:1, 4, 42:14, 44:7, 45:4, 49:16
financial grant awards, 37:4
founding story, 41:4, 6–7, 57:2–3, 77:1-2
France, 20:5, 22:9, 43:2–3, 48:19
Germany, 4:6, 6:7, 7:1–2, 4, 9:2, 8, 13:4, 29:9, 48:19
governance, 70:2–3
governing appointments, 37:5
Heartwood heroes assemblies, 32:12, 13, 14
historical study, 19:1, 3
history center display, 3:4
honor cords, 57:5, 58:9, 60:6, 63:7, 71:3
interesting facts, 12:9, 31:16, 77:1-2
internship program, 74:6
Italy, 39:14, 16, 41:3, 43:3, 16, 44:10, 48:19, 52:4, 61:5, 65:7
mine disasters, 12:7, 11–12, 15:4–5, 11, 25:9, 37:11–14, 44:8, 48:2, 3, 8–9, 17, 49:9, 57:2, 17–19
as model, 4:4–5
Netherlands, 44:10, 11, 20, 47:16, 48:18, 52:4
new board members, 31:12–13, 32:14, 44:18–19, 71:8, 74:5,15, 75:3
newsletter anniversary, 40:14, 80:1, 18
Norway, 40:9, 43:2, 3, 16, 44:10, 48:19
outreach activities, 65:7
partnerships, 66:1, 7
peer support network, 74:6, 75:4, 76:4, 79:6, 80:5
podcasts, 75:1-3
purpose, 20:2, 3, 28:2, 6
Radiolab interview, 25:5
returned medals, 6:10, 36:1–2, 5
San Francisco earthquake, 5:4–5
scholarship grants, 8:2, 21:3, 7, 45:4, 61:5, 65:7, 69:3
service anniversaries, 45:4, 66:13
social media presence, 41:1, 4, 42:14, 44:7
Steamship Titanic disaster, 29:7–8
Sweden, 15:2–3, 5, 28:12, 29:2, 43:3, 16, 44:10, 11, 20, 48:19, 52:4
Switzerland, 24:11, 27:1, 10–11, 14, 29:2, 31:11–12, 33:3, 43:16, 44:10, 11, 48:19, 52:4, 61:5
tour of U. S. Steel facility, 43:4–5
United Kingdom-based trusts, 10:3–4, 20:5, 44:10, 20, 52:4, 7
volunteer awards program, 22:10, 47:18
websites, 5:1, 8:7, 31:14, 44:7, 63:1, 65:7
welcome sign, 22:11
world news update, 44:20
year in review, 17:1–3, 33:1–4, 37:1–5, 41:1–3, 5, 45:1–4, 49:1–4, 53:1–3, 57:1–3, 61:1–5, 65:6–7, 69:1, 3, 80:18
YouTube channel, 55:19
Hero Fund Scholars
See Exceptional Graduates
Hero Fund Trust for the U.K., Ireland, and the Channel Islands, 10:4, 16:2–3, 20:5, 43:16, 44:10, 20, 48:19, 52:4, 7
The Heroic Age (video), 55:19
Heroic Imagination Project, 25:10–11
heroism, 1:4, 5:2, 9:4, 9, 10:6–7, 12:5, 13:2–3, 19:1, 3, 22:2, 3, 24:2–3, 25:10–11, 35:2, 3, 39:10–12, 43:7, 12, 45:2–3, 5, 46:2–3, 15, 48:2–3, 49:2–3, 50:8–9, 52:2–3, 6, 7, 54:1–3, 55:2–3, 59:2–3, 69:2–3, 70:1, 14–15, 73:1–3, 76:2-3, 78:2-3, 79:2-3, 80:2-3
Heroux, Joseph Laurent, 57:17, 19
Herrington, Margaret Williams, 6:8, 22:5, 29:1–2
Hertz, Gus, 32:14
Hesebeck, Lauren D., 9:6
Heselton, Kevin L., 52:9
Hess, Christopher, 18:9
Hetrick, Charles D., 8:5, 9:3
Heuman, Åsa Kastman, 4:6
Heussler, Edward, 7:9, 42:6–7
Hewlett Family, 7:1, 10:3, 12:4, 36:10, 44:4, 50:6
Hibbard, Dustin E., 35:7, 37:5
Hickey, Michael J., 22:8
Hickman, Dale Dwayne, 11:8
Hicks, Edward, 23:5
Hicks, Frank R., V, 11:8, 9
Hickton, David J., 75:3
Hieronymus, Michael, 63:12–13
Higareda, José, 25:7
Higgins, Billy, 30:9, 12
Higgins, Earl Francis, 52:16–17
Hilderman, Andrew Douglas, 20:8, 9, 53:14–15
Hiles, Kevin, 71:8
Hilke, Jeffrey A., 77:12
Hillenbrand, David M., 12:5
Hill, Howard D., 62:13–15
Hilliard, Thomas J., Jr., 18:7, 21:2, 41:2–3, 45:5
Hill, John B., 64:6
Hillman, David McL., 41:3, 51:13, 55:21, 66:13
Hillman, Henry L., 50:3, 5
Hill, Michael Allen, 21:5
Hill, Russell Allen, 44:15–16
Hills, Harold G., 6:3, 10:4, 37:14, 47:15
Hills, James Whitfield, 6:3, 10:4, 47:15
Hills, Linda Thorell
awards ceremonies, 4:3, 11:2, 12:4, 5, 20:2, 21:2, 28:4, 32:3, 6–7, 36:11, 44:4, 50:8–9, 52:17
Belgian Hero Fund meeting, 32:6–7, 14, 33:3
biennial forum, 20:5
board position, 10:1, 4, 12:4, 13:1, 50:4
Carnegie Hero Fund Commission annual meeting, 55:21
Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy, 20:2, 29:3, 37:5
on Carnegie’s immigration story, 57:4
CBS Sunday Morning broadcast, 48:1, 2, 49:15
Cresson visit, 22:2–3, 12
Dutch Hero Fund meeting, 47:16
grave site visit, 6:3, 44:2–3, 5
and Harold G. Hills, 37:14, 47:15
Hero Fund meeting, 28:11, 44:10, 11, 48:19, 51:13, 16
Hero Funds World Committee meeting, 52:4
Peace Palace centennial observance, 36:4–5, 37:5
Rome gathering, 41:3
Swedish hero fund meeting, 15:2, 17:3, 28:12, 29:2
Swiss hero fund meeting, 31:11–12, 33:3, 61:5
tour of U. S. Steel facility, 43:4
on Vartan Gregorian, 65:3
Hills, Louise, 4:3, 6:3, 12:5, 20:2, 51:13, 16
Hills, Scott Roswell, 11:2, 12:5, 43:4, 15
Hill, Steven Michael, 48:11, 12–13
Hinson, J. Mark, 51:13
Hinton, Tawny, 77:17
Hipple, Douglas L., 24:1, 3–4, 9, 26:9
Hirshberg, Alvan C., 14:5, 6, 33:12, 50:16
Hobbs, James, 27:9
Hodge, Kary L., 12:8, 17:7, 29:3
Hodges, Francis Traill, 55:7
Hoffman, David E., 34:13
Hoffman, Mark James, 44:13, 15, 64:13–14
Hoffmann, John R., 47:6–7, 9
Hoffmann, Josef, 7:1, 2
Hoffman, Wayne L., 45:3, 8, 9, 47:8, 18
Hogan, Anthony, 69:10, 11, 76:5
Hogg, Angus M., 4:6, 7:1, 14:4, 15:2, 20:5, 28:11, 12, 34:12, 14, 43:16, 44:10, 52:7
Hogg, Rachel, 7:1, 28:12, 52:7
Hohenstein, Martin V., 43:8, 10, 13
Hohl, Walter E. S., 13:6
Holbeck, C. Fredric, 51:9, 52:8
Holland, William J., 5:4, 27:2, 30:5–7
Holliman, Sarah Flonnie, 55:18–19
Holloway, Duane D., 74:5,15
Hollyfield, John Paul, 50:5, 52:1, 10, 11, 18, 53:2, 12, 14, 55:20
Holmes, Irvin P., 65:5
Holmes, Richard W., 15:12
Holt, Marilyn Cocciola, 7:6, 9
Holtz, Timothy A., II, 49:11, 50:17
Homeier, Michael, 40:7
honor cords, 57:5, 58:9, 60:6, 63:7, 71:3
Hood, James P., 13:6, 14:6
Hookey, Perry, 40:7, 42:4–5, 9
Hooks, Seth Clayton, 13:5
Hooley, John, 70:14–15
Hoop, Charles Franklin, 57:11, 12
Hoopes, Katherine Mansfield, 1:5, 20:4
Hoopes, Ted, 1:5
Hopkins, Ander L., 42:7
Hopkins, Delma L., 42:7
Hopkins, Patrick J., IV, 48:10, 12, 50:1, 7
Hopkins, Roger D., 42:7
Hopkins, William D., 42:7
Horak, Mickey D., 11:9
Hornecker, Bruce A., 7:7
Horne, Ryan D. A., 66:8
Hosey, Robert M., 59:13, 60:13, 70:7
Hough, Leslie M., 59:8
Houlemard, Jeffery A., 46:10
Housley, Mary Frances (Frankie), 15:3, 52:1–3, 17, 63:3, 15
Howard, Christopher A., 18:9
Howard, Joseph Edward, 16:4, 18:11
Hoy, Warren A., 26:1
Huber, Andreas, 4:6, 6:7, 7:1–2, 4, 9:2, 11:6, 12:4, 6, 7, 13:4
Hübscher, Giuseppina, 7:1
Hübscher, Hans-Ruedi, 1:6, 4:6, 7:1–2, 12:4, 6, 20:5, 24:11, 25:3, 27:10, 11, 28:11, 13, 31:11–12, 32:14, 43:16, 44:10, 52:4
Hudash, Jonathan A., 65:11, 66:5
Hudson, Edward L., 5:1, 2
Huff, Blake Keith, 55:9, 57:14
Huffman, Joshua E., 16:4
Hughart, Joseph W., 26:4, 10
Hughes, Adam, 11:8
Hughes, Vernon R., 57:5
Huie, James A., 7:4
Hull, Andrew Ian, 31:6
Hull, Charles F., 20:12
Humphries, Dillon, 39:9
Hunke, Dennis C., II, 45:8
Hunley, Timonthy, 57:9
Hunnicutt, Thomas H., 61:9, 63:6, 72:5
Hunter, Johnathan, 13:7
Hunter, Sir Thomas B., 36:10, 11–12, 44:4
Hunter, William, 18:1, 54:2
Hunt, Fred, Jr., 17:5, 49:16
Huntsman, Jon M., Sr., 44:6
Hunt, William E., 54:1
Huscher, Jay S., 26:6
Hutt, John H., 67:1, 3
Huzsek, Kevin E., 80:15
Hyatt, Jamie Alan, 52:11, 53:6
Ideson, Bruce Brian, 51:2
Ihle, Christopher Jon, 37:3, 38:12, 39:16, 47:5
Inamori, Kazuo, 2:4, 12:4, 36:10, 44:4
Inman, Joseph C., 40:7
Iovino, Mark, 27:8
Ireland, Robin, 53:7, 14, 55:20, 56:8, 58:8, 69:7
Irick, Samuel, 41:11
Ishima, Evan Patrick, 67:10
Isom, Yolanda Robinson, 62:8, 9
Italian Hero Fund
See Fondazione Carnegie per gli Atti di Eroismo
Ivory, Brian James, 13:5–6
Jackson, Antwaun M., 78:10, 11, 79:15, 80:4
Jackson, Craig, 48:16
Jackson, Levi, 26:6–7
Jackson, William B., Jr., 28:9
Jacobs, Irwin and Joan, 44:6–7
Jafri, Raphael, 71:9
Jagusczak, Natalia Lobur, 2:5, 20:11
Jagusczak, Stephan, 20:11
Jalloh, Amadu, 10:9
James, Ansel, 40:10–11
James, Michael Benjamin, 60:9, 61:13
James, Sean L., 76:14-15
Jansen, Gerard, 68:12
Jared, Bryan Thomas, 13:6, 14:11
Jasmins, John-Paul, 63:11
Jayasingha, Kenneth Randima Hewa, 4:5
Jenkins, D’Angelo Cordero, 68:10, 11, 69:4, 76:5
Jenkins, James Russell, 37:7, 8, 38:2, 3
Jerri, Cregg, 56:10–11, 57:13
Jesko, Jon, 22:7
Jimenez, Isbel, 48:12, 14, 49:17
Jimenez, Javier, 16:6
Jimenez, Luz A., 42:10, 13–14
Jimmie Dyess Symposium, 61:7
Johansen, Jay P., 10:8
Johns, Aimee, 72:10, 74:9
Johns, Frank T., 49:5–7
Johnson, Albert E., 70:1, 3
Johnson, Anthony S., 32:8
Johnson, A. R., 45:5
Johnson, Christopher M., 33:7
Johnson, Demetrius T., Sr., 53:7
Johnson, Derrick M., 47:12–13
Johnson, Evelyn Bryan, 6:3–4, 18:6, 20:6, 31:13
Johnson, Jeffrey, 64:10, 11, 67:7, 72:5
Johnson, Jeffrey A., 41:4, 12–13
Johnson, Jonathan H., 14:8
Johnson, Joseph, 8:5
Johnson, Kevin Scott, II, 48:10, 13, 16
Johnson, Kurt James, 21:5
Johnson, Pierre, 36:9
Johnson, Ross A., 54:10, 55:14
Johnson, Ross C., 70:11, 12, 71:6, 72:5, 75:5
Johnson, Samuel Justin, 5:3
Johnson, Sivad H., 67:10, 68:5
Johnston, Hiedi, 67:7, 8, 68:4, 71:8, 75:1
Johnston, Richard A., 27:8
Jones, Adrian Alexander, 22:12
Jones, David H., 17:9, 10
Jones, David Richmond, 29:3, 10
Jones, Henry C., 19:7
Jones, Jacob Scott, 47:13, 55:4–5
Jones, Jonathan Paul, 33:8
Jones, Joseph Anthony, 31:6
Jones, M. Neil, Sr., 47:13, 48:20
Jones-Morton, Pamela, 35:7, 37:2
Jones, Odis Lee, Jr., 74:2
Jones, Theodore, 1:4
Jongejan, Boi, 44:10, 11, 20, 47:16, 48:18
Joos, Dennis, 27:14
Jordan, Charles David, 42:10, 12, 43:13
Jordan, Larry Brian, 23:7
Jordan, Michael James, 57:8, 11–12
Jordan, Wyatt, 57:8, 11–12
Jordy, Archie, 38:10
Joseph, Kenneth LeRoy, 6:5
Joseph, Theophilus I., 26:7
Journeys: An American Story (Tisch & Skafidas), 57:4
Joyce, Brian Patrick, 38:11
Joyce, Ralph Lee, 72:9
Joyce, Steven Edward, Jr., 38:11
Joy, Thomas, 43:8, 9
Justice, Ruth Lysle, 36:2
Kabba, Fatmata M., 11:8
Kalafat, Matthew John, 49:15, 54:6, 9
Kalleberg, Jon Daniel, 12:8
Kalletta, Sean Patrick, 75:9, 77:7
Kane, Michael J., 4:1, 5
Kaschai, Ralph Cash, 51:15, 52:14, 55:12, 56:17
Kauer, Joseph J., 60:17–19
Kauffman, Melvin G., 72:3–4
Kauzlarich, August, 24:6
Kavanagh, John P., III, 2:1, 10:6, 29:12
Kavli, Fred, 28:4–5, 36:10, 44:4
Kays, David Gregory, 8:5
Kayser, Lowell E., 23:11, 39:13, 15
Kearney, Lori Doppelheuer, 49:12–13, 52:5
Keating, James J., 64:4–6, 7
Keaton, Kristine Kelly, 24:8, 11
Keefe, Dennis Francis, 49:8–9
Keene, Mark W., 23:1, 6
Kellam, George L., Jr., 24:13–14, 44:21
Keller, Scott B., 51:8
Keller, Steven J., 28:7
Kelley, Elizabeth M., 21:5
Kelley, Ralph Allen, 3:5, 7:8, 9:2
Kelly, Carolyn M., 1:6, 14:10
Kelly, Henry, 26:6–7
Kelly, John Francis, 22:4, 7, 25:2, 28:3
Kelly, Joseph F., Sr., 20:9, 21:2
Kelly, Lawrence Francis, 22:4, 7, 28:3
Kelly, Patrick, 26:6–7
Kelsch, Christopher John, 9:5
Keltz, Douglas Bruce, 37:13
Kendrick, Casandra Joann 74:12
Kenning, Thomas, 74:11, 77:5
Keys, Eric C., 67:11, 68:6
Keyser, Michael Robert, 61:17, 65:11–12, 67:6, 69:1, 74:5
Khaokham, Narong, 27:8, 9
Kihlstrand, Matthew Ryan, 68:11
Kijigobinessi, Joseph, 46:8, 14
Killburn, Scott, 76:5, 10
Kilian, Deanne M., 54:12–13, 55:20, 56:1–3
Killingbeck, Douglas D., 30:9, 31:9, 47:17
Kilpatrick, V. E., Jr., 55:20
Kindred, Andrew A., 5:5
King, Christine Dawn, 75:8,9, 77:11
King, Christopher Brooks, 43:8, 10
King, Noah Hill, 53:8–9, 10, 14, 54:18, 55:20, 57:8
King, Sommer Marie, 59:10, 60:13
Kinyua, Catherine, 54:13, 56:16
Kipling, Rudyard, 3:3
Kirinovic, Jacob D., 48:13, 14
Kirkendall, James C., 30:13
Kirkman, Don R., 72:1, 4
Kitamura, Jon, 5:3
Kitt, Wayne, 41:3, 11, 12
Klang, John A., 14:8, 15:5–6, 17:2, 39:4, 5, 48:4–5, 71:3
Klassen, Jamey Ruth, 66:8
Klein, Connor Frederick, 31:7
Klemsz, Ethel Sindelar, 41:5
Klepper, Robert, 6:3–4
Kleven, Ione Fletcher, 33:2, 7, 9
Klun, M. Ross, 54:13, 56:8, 57:8, 60:4, 61:4
Knaggs, Gary Richard, Sr., 28:10, 11
Kneeshaw, Gary A., 25:2, 9, 26:9
Knepper, Raymond J., 16:4
Knieriem, Michael N., 18:4
Knight, Keith, 37:7
Knoll, Robert Wayne, 40:6, 41:9
Knox Mine Disaster documentary, 48:8–9, 17
Koç Family, 20:1, 4, 36:10, 44:4
Kocher, Kory Kern, 44:13, 14
Koch, James Christopher, 16:5, 18:5
Kocker, James M., 41:10, 11
Koç, Rahmi M., 20:1, 2, 4
Koczan, Jamison S., 43:9, 10, 78:16
Koehler, Travis Wayne, 15:9, 18:10, 37:11, 38:4
Kolanchick, Joseph, 49:14
Kolodzeske, Doris M. Moakler, 12:10
Kolthoff, John R., 30:13–14
Koos, Larry J., 46:10, 48:20
Köping-Höggård, Ulf, 43:16, 44:10, 11, 20, 52:4
Koppers Building, 48:16
Kosiarski, Maciej, 60:8
Kouba, Marena L., 69:10, 70:5, 72:5, 74:14
Kozen, Bernard, 41:10–11, 13
Krahn, John M., 24:1, 2, 3, 8, 26:8, 41:4, 80:5, 19
Krass, Peter, 1:5
Krempasky, Mark A., 66:10
Krochta, Richard Thomas, 59:12, 60:4
Krueger, Ernest Lee, 68:7, 12
Krul, Richard R., 54:13, 55:20, 56:8, 17, 68:7
Kruszewski, Pawel L., 40:3, 41:10
Kubitz, Kermit R., 17:5, 8, 21:2, 4, 22:9, 40:14, 46:14, 53:4–5
Kunze, Brian, 54:13, 55:12
Kuphal, Henry E., 39:17
Kurtzer, Jordan B., 75:9-10, 77:5, 8, 78:15
Kyle, Derrick, 12:8, 13:2
Kyle, Joel Kevin, Jr., 44:12, 15, 46:16
Labella, Paul Thomas, 7:5
Lacy, Alex, 50:5
Lagerhorn, Agneta, 14:4
Lagerhorn, Hans, 14:4, 28:12, 43:16
Lagpacan, Turner, 47:12, 56:6–7
Lais, John A., 34:8, 36:18
Lake, Bruce J., 77:13, 19, 78:6, 80:4
Lally, John Phillip, Jr., 77:15, 80:4, 6
Lambay, Jordan Scott, 59:12, 61:4, 69:7
Lamberty, Gary F., 64:13
Lambiotte, Eli, 66:12
Lambrou, Peter J., 18:1, 2, 21:2, 27:10, 14, 29:2, 52:4, 54:16, 55:21, 59:6, 66:7, 69:5
LaMonica, Gerald A., 29:2, 10, 62:12
Landry, Michael David, 20:8, 9, 53:14–15
Landsberry, Michael T., 44:14, 17, 71:3
Lane, John, 7:7
Lane, John R., 6:6, 8:6
Lane, Jonathan Mark, 8:6, 50:3
Lane, Ryan C., 21:4
Langdon, Marie V. B., 8:8
Lang, Roger Randolph, 26:7, 10
Langston, Noah V., 45:6–7
Languell, Damian, 54:13, 57:8
Lanski, Christopher, 62:8, 67:4
Lapeyrouse, Jeff David, 80:14
LaPierre, Jean-Paul, 67:7, 9, 68:4
Lapp, Joshua James, 17:4
LaRocca, Joseph E., 40:13
LaRock, Anthony S., 6:6
LaRose, Patrick J., 42:10
Larsen, Albert A., 21:4
Larsen, Evelyn M.
See Neininger, Evelyn M.
Larsen, Kiera Vera, 49:1, 2, 13
Larsen, Klaus L., 33:11
Larsen, Ronald, 65:16
LaRue, Ronald, 44:1, 5, 14, 17
Laski, Allan James, 9:6
Laskow, Lisa, 43:4, 52:17
Laskow, Mark
on altruism, 53:2–3, 57:2–3
on Andrew Carnegie, 7:1, 37:2–3, 40:2–3, 43:2–3, 54:2, 3, 57:2–3, 58:2–3, 66:2–3, 67:2–3
anniversary celebration, 1:1-2
on annual reports, 57:6
assistance programs, 3:4
auxiliary events, 12:6
on awardee inquiries, 16:2, 42:2, 7
awards ceremonies, 1:1–2, 4:3, 7:8, 11:3, 14:5, 6, 17:3, 21:2, 26:10, 28:4, 33:11, 34:3, 5, 36:10–11, 44:4, 52:17
biennial forum, 20:5, 36:2
biographical sketch, 35:5, 12–13
on board members, 31:12–13
on the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission, 29:4, 6, 70:2–3, 16
Carnegie Hero Fund Commission annual meeting, 55:21, 66:13
on the Carnegie Hero Funds World Committee, 32:11, 39:16, 44:10
Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy, 10:3, 12:4–5, 29:3, 37:5
CBS Sunday Morning broadcast, 48:2, 49:15
on change, 37:2
on civic power, 63:2–3
on commemoration, 30:4, 5
commemorative medal, 1:3
on Commission responsibilities, 9:2, 65:6
on conscious choice, 68:2–3
Cresson visit, 22:2–3, 12
on decades of service, 71:1–3
on disasters and rescues, 60:2–3
duty-to-rescue laws, 32:2–3
emeritus status, 74:15
on field investigation process, 3:2
on giant African pouched rats, 69:2–3
on global pandemic impacts, 61:2–3, 62:6
on heroes’ families, 77:2-3
on the Hero Fund, 20:2, 3, 23:3–4, 28:2, 6, 33:2–3, 43:2–3, 66:2, 69:1
Hero Fund appointments, 37:5
Hero Fund meeting, 28:11, 29:3, 43:2–3, 16, 44:10, 45:4, 48:19
as Hero Fund president, 29:5
hero funds, 4:6, 6:2
Hero Funds World Committee meeting, 49:3, 52:4
on Hero Fund values, 57:2–3
on heroism, 1:4, 5:2, 12:5, 13:2–3, 24:2–3, 35:2, 3, 45:2–3, 5, 46:2–3, 15, 48:2–3, 49:2–3, 50:8, 52:2–3, 54:2–3, 55:2–3, 59:2–3, 69:2–3, 73:1–3, 76:2-3, 78:2-3, 79:2-3, 80:2-3
historical perspectives, 22:2–3
on the Homestead Strike, 50:2, 4–5
on the human spirit, 74:2-3
on immigrants, 45:2–3, 5
on individual actions, 62:2–3
on investigation process, 64:2–3
on It’s A Wonderful Life, 68:2–3
on judgment, 47:2–3
medal presentations, 37:3, 39:2–3, 41:3, 9, 44:7, 52:8, 58:15, 61:4, 65:4
on moral choice, 38:2–3
obituary notices, 8:7
on the obligation exclusion, 72:2–3
outreach activities, 14:2
presidential predecessors, 27:2, 5
on professional rescuers, 34:2, 4
on remembering heroes, 15:3
on research metrics, 75;2-3
retirement, 70:2–3, 16
Rome gathering, 41:3
scholarship grants, 8:2
service presentation, 39:12, 44:6, 11, 47:14, 16, 51:13, 58:10
Swedish hero fund meeting, 15:2–3
Swiss hero fund meeting, 31:11
on Tom Hilliard, 41:2–3
tour of U. S. Steel facility, 43:4
on Tree of Life Synagogue mass shooting, 56:2–3
on unsuccessful rescues, 54:2–3
on Vartan Gregorian, 58:2–3, 65:2–3
visit from U.K. Hero Fund trustees, 52:7
on Walter Rutkowski, 51:2, 4
on William Dietrich, 31:2, 4
Lauder, Evelyn and Leonard, 28:5, 36:10, 44:4
Lauder, Ronald and Jo Carole, 28:5–6, 36:10, 44:4
Laux, Karl J., 45:15
Lawless, Christopher E., 60:11
Lawrence, Edward A., 57:17, 18
Laws, Marie Mork, 28:15
Lawson, Robert, 64:10, 11, 74:14
Leach, Harold T., 29:11
Leahy, John W., 17:9
Leaming, Dessie Hayter, 6:8, 9:7
Leary, Nicholas P., 15:10, 39:5
Ledbetter, Andre J., 69:12
Ledgard, Michael J., 31:6, 32:13, 33:3, 11, 36:15
Leduc, Theresa E., 67:7
Lee, Alfred M., 24:13
Lee, Charlton, 22:7, 10
Lee, Donald E., 47:11
Lee, Omar, 57:11
Lefebvre, Dion C., 39:14
Lehew, Melissa Anne, 60:7, 8
Leiva, Oscar A., 10:9, 18:6
Leland, William F., 19:10
LeMere, Lincoln, 38:10
Lemieux, Nathalie, 32:14, 33:1, 44:5, 7, 10, 11, 45:14, 49:3, 52:4, 54:17, 55:21, 56:14
Lemieux, Richard, 7:3, 6, 9:2, 8
Lemon, Daniel W., 27:7
Lenfest, H. F. (Gerry) and Marguerite, 51:6, 52:17
Lennerton, George E., 13:6
Lennon, Archie G., 14:9
Lesan, Michael Louis, 77:16-17
Leslie, Fred D., III, 35:7–8
Lessard, Paul J., 2:1–2, 10:6, 29:12, 36:5, 45:6, 77:20,21
“letters to Andrew Carnegie” project, 58:6
Letzkus, William Henry, 56:8
Leuci, Keith, 6:6
Levesque, Frederick J., Jr., 41:2, 10
Lewand, Dalton, 21:5, 22:6, 10
Lewis, C. William, Jr., 39:2
Lewis, Ida, 55:7–8
Lewis, Isaac, Jr., 37:14
Lewis, Katherine, 60:6, 7
Lewis, Rex A., 66:14, 15
Liberatore, Arcangelo F., 57:8, 10, 59:16
libraries, 1:4
Liddle, Walter F., 42:3
Lidgett, Theodore, 14:8
Lighthouse Project, The, 2:1–2, 10:6
Li Ka-shing, 28:4, 5, 6, 36:10, 44:4
Lilly, Lykesia, 15:8, 17:7, 8
Lindeblad, Ann-Christine, 12:4, 28:11, 12, 43:16, 44:10, 20, 52:4
Linder, Allen Robert, 67:9, 68:6
Linder, Steve, 13:6
Lindsay, Ruby Hattie, 51:17
Linthicum, James W., 34:7
Littlefield, Edgar, 10:12
Littlefield, Jeremiah M., 10:12
Little, Kevin D., Jr., 52:9, 18, 53:2, 3, 13, 57:6
Littlepage, C. Kemp, 58:11, 68:7
Liu, Junyi, 77:13-14
Livingston, Daniel G. R., 34:7
Livingstone, William, 20:5, 28:11
Lloyd, John A., 18:8, 9, 10, 19:7, 21:2, 7
Loando, Carl Casey, 33:7, 34:10, 39:13
Lobb, Jameson, 71:9
Locasale-White, Eileen J., 1:2
Lockwood, Richard D., 39:15
Loftus, Drew James, 38:13
Logan, Matthew Charles, 28:9
Longmore, William E., IV, 29:10
Longoria, Roberto Y., 73:7
Lorenzen, Edsel G., 6:5, 55:16
Lorr, David, 43:16
Love, David Scot, 54:11–12, 56:13
Lowrie, Donald C., 63:10, 65:4
Lozier, Brian D., 36:3, 7, 9
Lucas, Adam W., 20:9
Luciani, Luciano, 39:16
Luckett, Link, 37:13, 61:7, 16
Lucore, Thomas E., 26:11
Ludington, Robert Seth, 48:13, 14, 16
Lumahang, Michael, 52:10, 53:11
Lund, DeWayne L., 32:1–2, 5, 45:13, 80:20-23
Lusk, Bee H., 26:1–2, 28:13
Lyford, Todd D., 59:11, 12, 60:16, 63:6
Lyle, Daniel A., 23:2, 25:9
Lynch, Thomas, 22:2–3
Lyons, Christopher J., 11:8
Lyons, Rory, 31:10
Maas, Melvin, 8:1–2
MacDonald, Beth, 18:9, 21:2
MacDonald, Helen, 4:6, 6:7, 48:18
Machado, Alexander J., 15:8
Mackie, Alan H., 76:11, 77:9, 80:4
Mack, William M., III, 54:9
MacNeil, Robert, 2:4
MacWilliams, William K., Sr., 24:13–14, 44:21
Madrid, Albert, 63:13
Madrid, Gerald A., 40:8
Maher, Thomas F., 20:7, 10
Mahoney, Kevin J., 10:9, 17:7
Major, Benjamin F., 17:9, 10
Mallon, Karen Marie, 54:7, 55:5, 13, 20
Mandak, Joe, 53:5, 14, 62:6
Mander, Joseph E., Sr., 9:7, 73:2
Mander, Thelma D., 9:2, 7
Manley, Michael J., Sr., 48:12, 14, 50:15, 51:1, 4
Mann, Austin Jeffrey, 38:13
Mann, Fred, 1:6
Manning, Glenn K., 13:5
Manning, Ronald W., 55:11, 57:2
Marano, Louis, 54:7, 55:12
Marcy, Susan L.
See Rizza, Susan M.
Marino, Stephanie Melinda, 50:5, 51:8, 52:14
Markowitz, Jack, 50:3
Marks, Paul M., 23:7
Marling, Nathan James, 33:8
Marquez, Saul Ortiz, 71:9–10
Marron, Edwin, 14:8
Marshall, Charles E., 39:17
Marshall, Gideon K., 46:5
Marshall, Robert C., 48:3–5
Marshall, William W., 13:10
Marsh, John Eli, 12:8, 9, 72:3
Marsh, John Morris, 12:8, 9, 72:3
Martin, Adam Joe, 48:10, 49:18
Martin, Brian D., 57:17, 19
Martin, Caleb Lee, 45:13
Martin, Eric, 56:12, 58:15
Martin, Heath, 76:15, 77:11
Martin, Natalie Renee, 49:1, 2, 10–11
Martin, Steven A., 45:11
Martin, Troy, 58:8, 12–13, 59:4, 60:4
Marty, Christine A., 31:7, 13, 40:14
Marwick, Tricia, 36:11
Mason, Helen E., 36:2
Mason, Jane M., 60:1–3
Masters, George W., Jr., 14:4, 5
Mathews, Henry T., 14:12
Mathews, Kenneth W., 47:14–15
Mathieson, Peter F., 13:1–2
Matney, Taj, 6:3
Matthews, Jessica, 28:6
Mattison, Joshua E., 18:8
Mauldin, Michael, 6:5
Mauldin, Travis James, 29:10–11
Mavrogenis, Astrid, 43:3, 16
Maw, Brenda S., 70:13
Maxwell, Jason P., 59:10, 60:12
Maycock, Neil, 14:8
Maykovich, Lauryn, 54:19, 58:6
Maynor, Bruce, Jr., 56:9, 57:15
Mayo, David B., 36:9
McAleese, John James, 19:6
McArthur, G. Elmer, 28:10, 13
McAuliffe, Benjamin, 47:11–12
McAuliff, Mark S., 65:12, 13
McBain, Justice Michael, 62:9–10
McBride, Geraldine T., 43:6–7
McCallister, Clarence, 79:14, 80:7
McCann, Thomas H., 46:17
McCarroll, Jeremy Dylan, 22:8, 10
McCarron, James R., 24:10, 13
McCarter, Kenneth Brian, 68:8, 10, 69:6, 72:5
McCarthy, Timothy, 26:6–7, 27:11
McCartney, David Michael, 9:6, 58:1–2, 68:1
McCarty, Patrick Nolan, 56:12, 58:15
McCaskey, James P., 21:6
McClary, Clebe, 2:2
McClintic, Stewart, 27:5, 33:4–6, 9
McClintock, Charles Arbuthnot, 27:5, 32:3–5
McCollough, Troy Middleton, 80:12, 13
McConnell, Jack, 4:3
McConnell, Randall K. L., 11:9
McCorquodale, Rogene A. Vartanian, 73:2
McCrady, Christopher R., 17:3, 51:13, 55:21
McCrady, Priscilla J., 10:5, 13:2–3, 14:5, 6, 17:3, 39:12, 43:4, 44:6, 47:15, 51:13, 55:21, 58:10, 70:2
McCrady, W. Duff, 43:4
McCuien, Clodis, 35:15
McCullagh, Mark A., 32:9
McCullough, David, 1:1–2, 2:4, 37:3, 40:14, 47:9
McCullough, George, 1:1, 2
McCullough, Hax, 1:1, 2
McCune, Matthew Jason, 29:11
McDaniel, James Young, 50:3
McDaniel, Mary Laverne, 50:3
McDermand, Chase W., 49:3
McDonald, Adele, 6:3
McDonald, Phillip S., 78:15-16
McDonald, Wade, 9:5
McDonnell, Michael T., 37:1, 14, 41:7, 13
McDowell, Rickie D., Jr., 28:8
McDowell, Zachary A., 62:8, 64:15
McElroy, A. Walter, Jr., 37:15, 38:5
McEvoy, Elsie H., 38:9
McFarland, Scott, 67:8
McGee, Dinah Keturia, 48:10, 50:17
McGeough, Patrick, Jr., 12:8, 13:1, 3
McGrady, Kim A., 69:11, 70:6
McGrain, Scott Leland, 16:5
McGrath, James, 64:5, 6, 7
McGrath, William P., 15:12
McGuinn, Ann M., 1:2, 3:7, 12:4, 21:2, 28:4, 11, 29:3, 36:11, 37:5, 44:5, 10, 51:13, 52:4, 55:21, 70:2
McGuire, Bobby Jack, 30:14
McHenry, Henry, 38:12–13
McHugh, Elizabeth E. Ghear, 7:8
McIlwain, Ryan Scott, 58:11–12, 59:5, 61:4, 67:7
McInerney, Stephen W., 13:7
McIntosh, Bill, 4:3
McIntosh, Kenneth A., 6:5
McKenzie, Dianne R., 3:7, 61:17
McKeown, Forrest L., 64:16
McKeown, Ronald Lee, 64:16
McLaughlin, Frank, 31:13
McLaughlin, Melissa A., 31:16, 44:11, 45:4, 46:4, 16, 47:2, 49:4
McLean, Mitchell L., 39:8, 9, 41:9
McLean, Shawn M., 14:8
McLeod, Richard G., 25:9
McLuckie, Andrew, 37:11–14
McMahon, Mary M. K., 33:12
McMahon, Ronald F., 33:12
McMillan, David R., 27:12
McNairy, Lisa, 50:13–14, 51:5
McNally, Michael D., 39:7, 9, 11
McNeely, Ruth E., 62:7, 12
McNeil, Jeffrey M., 18:9
McNeir, Forest W., 7:10, 10:7
McNulty, Robert, 44:12
McQueen, Angela Lynn, 58:13, 59:4, 60:12, 61:4, 5
McRae, John David, 58:1, 4–5
McRae, William, 27:15, 52:18, 63:6
Meade, Cameron, 68:11
Medal of Valor
See Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor
Medina, Lewis A., 70:7, 10, 11, 72:5, 12
Meeks, Paul D., 13:5, 14:5, 6, 33:12
Meffert, John E., 55:10–11, 57:13
Meis, Jon Christopher, 45:9, 11
Melancon, Brandon, 69:10–11
Melendrez, Brian, 45:13
Melhado, Andrew L., 54:7–8, 55:20, 63:6, 72:5
Melini, Gaetano, 39:16
Mellen, James, 75:13, 14-15
Mellon, Andrew W., 48:16
Mellon Family, 11:2, 12:3, 34:12, 36:10, 44:4, 50:6
Mellon, James R., II, 11:2, 12:3
Mellon, Richard, 11:2
Mellon, Seward Prosser, 11:2
Mellon, Tim, 11:2
Melton, Keith E., 23:7
Meltzer, Joshua H., 37:6
Mendoza, Luis Alberto, 63:14
Menschel, Richard L., 44:7
Menschel, Robert B., 44:7
Meraz, Vincent Lorenzo, 37:8–9
Merman, Derek C., 21:6
Mervin, Christopher R. G., 8:5
Meserve, Richard A., 28:6
Meserve, Richard W., 19:4
Messina, Gary J., 51:10, 52:4, 8
Meyer, Robert C., 39:13
Meyer, Robert Eli, 33:9, 10–11
Meyers, Henry W., 56:4–5
Mezec, Bruno, 16:3
Mhitari, Kote, 59:4, 10
Michel, Dennis Joseph, 51:10
Mihara, Kinzo Heath, 65:13, 14
Mikalik, Camille, 59:8
Milks, Jason R., 70:9–10
Miller, Andrew, 28:6
Miller, Andrew William, 55:11
Miller, Charles A., 35:7
Miller, Edward Jack, 77:20-21
Miller, Jeffrey D., 1:5, 4:5, 9:3
Miller, John N., 52:17, 18–19
Miller, Keith R., 10:8
Miller, Kenneth, 12:5, 20:2
Miller, Margaret Carnegie, 5:3, 40:5
Miller, Paula, 4:5
Miller, Robert Rex, 8:5, 10:7
Miller, Terrell, Sr., 68:11
Miller, Terry, 6:6, 9:2
Miller, William Franklin, Sr., 24:11
Mills, R. A., 69:7, 12
Milquet, Joëlle, 32:6
Minadeo, John, 54:1, 5
Minati, Dario, 43:16
Miner, John, 67:7, 11
Mintz, Chris, 44:9, 16, 17
Miracle, Ronald W., 51:16
Mireles, Mark, 14:8
Miskin, Carl W., 6:10
Missana, Lisa, 48:16, 50:10, 12, 51:15
Mistick, Barbara K., 12:5
Mitchell, Shane S., 50:10, 51:15
Mitchell, Silas Weir, 40:10–11
Mizzone, Michael Paul, 21:5, 59:9
Mobay Chemical Corporation, 15:4
Mochinski, Mitchell, 31:8–9
Moehler, Thomas J., 6:6, 9:1
Moen, David, 54:10, 11, 56:15
monetary grants, 45:4, 61:5, 65:7, 69:3
Monge, Gregorio V., 44:15, 45:14
Mongiello, Paul W., 41:1–2, 8, 12
Monnier, Charles H., 22:8, 23:9
Monongah Mine Disaster, 12:11–12
Montelongo, Steve, 11:6, 10
Montgomery, Benjamin, 16:5
Montgomery, Charles Lee, 10:8, 11:7, 9
Montogomery, Rayna Michele, 74:13, 75:1, 6
Montville, Anthony, 42:3
Moody, Joel Edmond, 20:8
Moore, Dwight A., 19:4–5, 21:8
Moore, Gordon and Betty, 20:1, 2, 4, 36:10, 44:4
Moore, Mark C., 21:2, 5, 7, 22:6, 10, 26:3, 28:15, 42:8, 50:1
Moore, Richard Irvin, 39:8, 13, 14
Moore, Robert Cody, 74:11, 75:6
Moore, Ronnie Lee, Jr., 41:12, 42:8
Moore, Ross P., 14:9
Moores, Tina Maryann, 24:7, 9, 25:2
Moorman, Earl C., 70:13
Morales, Andres, 15:8–9
Moran, Herbert A., 64:13, 65:15
Morash, Craig Alexander, 46:12
Moreno Alba, Edgar F., 67:9, 69:4
Moreno, Raul, 50:14, 51:12
Morgan, Antonio, 66:9, 67:4, 7, 74:14
Morgan, Colin, 5:3
Morgan, Malcolm T., 11:8
Morgan, Robert Hart, 50:10, 66:12–13
Morin, Lydia S., 30:14, 31:16
Morin, Scott, 71:12, 72:7
Mork, Betty, 28:15
Mork, Marie
See Laws, Marie Mork
Morris, Bertie, 3:8
Morris, David L., 25:9
Morris, Henry M., 15:12
Morris, JaCora Lashale, 75:12, 77:9
Morris, Jasmine, 75:12, 77:9
Morris, John, 43:3
Morris, John F., Jr., 30:8
Morris, Max Adams, 31:14–15, 37:12–13
Morrison, Donald Arthur, 23:7, 10
Morrison, Scott D., 66:9, 10, 67:6
Morrison, Shane, 68:7, 8, 69:6, 7
Mortenson, Zachary Michael, 31:9, 32:13–14
Morton, Dennis H., 15:8
Mosher, Timothy E., 45:5
Moss, Anthony, 63:11
Moss, Kevin, 28:8
Mott, Henry W., IV, 19:5
Mott, H. Herschel, 40:9
Mott, Patrick W., 6:6, 40:9
Moyers, Bill, 2:4
Mozqueda, Victor, 61:4, 10
Muldrow, Lloyd, 75:9, 76:16
Mullen, 23:4
Muller, Carl F., 13:7, 35:11, 14
Mullins, Strickler, 23:9
Munnings, William J., 36:19
Muñoz, Alejandro J., 55:17
Munro, James, 68:12
Muransky, Michael S., 32:5
Murdoch, David, 11:3
Murphy, Bradley Eugene, 57:9, 59:14
Murphy, John M., 74:11
Murray, George, 43:16, 52:4
Murray, Kristoff Jaleel, 68:9–10, 71:8
Murray, Lee Kenneth, 39:6, 8
Murtha, David Paul, 35:6
Musgrove, James W., Jr., 73:7, 74:1, 4-5
Muxworthy, Jay Ross, 56:11–12
Myers, Adam Matthew, 45:9
Myers, Dennis J., 74:2
Myers, Roger W., 10:9
Nasaw, David, 8:4, 20:11, 57:6–8
Nash, Danny, 39:8
National Heroes Day, 66:1, 7
National Museum of Patriotism, 11:10
National Scientific Research Center (CNRS), 46:3
National Teachers Hall of Fame (NTHF), 39:4, 71:3
Naumann, Henry, 10:2, 20:10, 31:16, 35:2, 39:2, 43:12
Navidad, Donnie, 40:7, 41:2–3, 42:4–5
Naylor, Merrill O., 52:9, 53:12
Naylor, Michael, 74:16-19
Neel, Elinor, 17:6, 7
Neeley, Morris A., 65:4–5
Neff, Keavy Joseph, 16:5
Neininger, Evelyn M., 55:20
Nelson, Allen Drew, 20:8
Nelson, Dean Ronald, 42:10, 11, 43:6
Nelson, Ryan Thomas, 43:11, 14–15, 44:3
Nemeth, Joseph, 29:13
Nesbitt, Brian, 49:12, 50:18
Netherlands Hero Fund
See Stichting Carnegie Heldenfonds
neurobiology of altruism, 53:2–3
Newby, Jason C., 47:12
New Century of Heroes, A (books), 74:4-5, 75:5, 76:4
New, Curtis Ray, 55:16
Newton, Ernest, 36:17–18
Nguyen, Christine Rose, 22:7, 25:2
Nicholls, Debra, 3:6
Nickens, Harold, Sr., 73:1, 4
Nielsen, Jonathan M., Sr., 34:6–7
Nielsen, Thomas R., 36:7, 9
Nix, Billy A., 44:8–9
Noga, Edward J., 11:11
Noga, John M., 11:11
Noga, Mary Rose, 11:11
Nolan, Linda, 51:8, 52:14
Nolen, Randy A., 6:5, 7:8
Norberg, J. Alexander, 37:14
Noriega, Michael L., 26:5
Norman, Jason Mitchell, 26:5, 28:15, 67:7, 12
Norsworthy, Thomas J., 47:6–7
Norton, Laurence T., III, 45:10, 46:15
Norwegian Hero Fund
See Carnegies Heltefond for Norge
Nourparvar, Hooman, 12:8, 14:4, 21:3, 38:14
Novecosky, Christopher, 78:10-11, 15, 79:4, 80:17
Novecosky, Joseph, 78:10-11, 15, 79:4, 80:17
Nye, Edward Russell, 23:6
Oakley, Michael E. G., 10:9, 13:2, 7
Oak, Scott J., 26:4
obituary notices, 26:11, 27:14, 28:14, 29:1–3, 30:13–14, 31:13, 15, 32:7, 58:5, 60:5
See also friends remembered
obligation exclusion, 72:2–3
O’Brien, Thomas A., 23:3–4
occupations, hero, 39:11
O’Connell, Sean T., 28:7
O’Connor, Kevin Michael, 45:9–10
O’Connor, Patrick, 32:6–7
O’Connor, William L., 34:7
Odom, Terry Ray, 19:4
O’Donnell, Tanya M., 20:9
Oedewaldt, Kenneth A., 18:9
Oesterling, Frank, 10:11
Off, Robert W., 3:7, 22:9, 24:1, 5, 25:3, 27:2, 29:5, 33:3, 34:4–5, 9, 51:2, 4, 62:5, 70:3
Ogg, Robert Bruce, 48:6, 9
O’Hara, Francis William, 18:9
Oiler, Harry A, Jr., 77:18
Okenotego, Joseph, 46:8, 14
Olian, Roger W., 9:4, 7–8, 16:7, 50:5, 9, 68:13–15
Oliner, Samuel P., 1:5, 10:10
Oliver, David B., II, 9:9
O’Lone, Donald J., 32:7
Olsen, Norman Tanner, 65:10, 11
Olson, Brady, 46:12
Olson, Paul H., 43:13, 49:8–9
Olup, Christopher M., 57:12
O’Malia, Patrick, 5:1
Omidyar, Pamela and Pierre, 28:6, 36:10, 44:4
O’Neal, Shannon Sade, 80:13-14
O’Neil, Hugh Michael, 75:1, 4
O’Neill, John J., Sr., 10:2, 20:10, 31:16, 35:2, 39:2, 43:12, 74:1, 14
Onorato, Dan, 12:9
Oplinger, John William, 6:5, 7:9, 64:15
O’Pry, Lance, 40:7, 42:4–5, 9, 52:7
O’Quinn, Bobby Joe, III, 31:6
O’Reilly-Green, Meghan, 38:13, 43:10
Orelus, Vladmir, 63:13–14
O’Rourke, John Gerard, 54:7, 55:13, 20, 56:8, 57:8, 59:4, 60:4
Orozco, Marcelino M., 36:9
Orozco-Sanchez, Jorge L., 20:4, 8, 43:2
Orr, Susan Packard, 4:2
Orr, William M., 14:7
Örtengren, Roland, 15:2
Ortenzo, Julius A., 60:9, 10
Ortiz, Victor M., 49:15, 51:11, 53:12
Orzech, Philip Russell, 55:11
Osborn, Randolph, 15:7, 37:9–11
Osiecki, Katherine Lee, 37:2, 8, 9
Ove, Torsten, 77:4, 18
Owen, Joshua J., 53:9, 54:15
Oxford, Victor, 25:7, 9
Pace, Patrick Shane, 10:8, 11:5
Packard Family, 7:1, 10:3, 12:4, 36:10, 44:4, 50:6
Page, Joseph C., 33:8, 34:3, 5
Page, Leyton, 48:12, 13–14, 51:5
Paik-Nicely, Joshua P. S., 27:1–2, 7
Panch, Marvin E., 45:13
Pancotti, Amedeo, 16:1, 9–10, 48:8–9
Panian, Julia M., 36:13, 15, 41:4, 44:7, 20, 45:3–4, 46:4, 49:4, 15
Paquette, Timothy J., 6:5
Pardun, Paul H., 9:9
Parent, Andrew, 70:9, 10, 71:1, 4, 72:13
Parham, Calvin, 64:10, 67:7, 71:8, 74:14
Parker, Connelly Phelps, Jr., 28:7–8, 55:16
Parker, David C., Jr., 22:6, 10, 24:11
Parks, David S., 9:5, 14:7
Parks, John, 78:11
Parrett, Arnold Warren, 76:3
Parr, Robert D., 77:18
Parsons, Richard, 2:4
Partridge, Lincoln J., 18:6, 45:12–13
Pasborg, Ryan, 76:13-14, 78:9
Pasho, Charles R., 4:8
Passmore, Brannon, 40:6
Patino, Christopher, 32:10
Patrick, John G., 77:3
Patrone, Phillip Lee, 12:6–7
Patterson, Marc, 15:1, 5, 9, 34:10
Patterson, Nellie Brooks, 37:10–11
Patton, Wesley C., 42:3
Paulhus, Lawrence R., 16:7
Paul, Malo Enrique, 40:1, 8, 41:9
Paulson, Randall S., Jr., 7:5
Paulus, Steven Michael, 50:11, 12, 51:15
Payne, Patrick S., 15:9
Peace Palace, The Hague, Netherlands, 36:4–5, 37:5, 57:3, 6–8, 20
Pearce, John David, 26:5–6
Pease, Terry R., 3:2, 4:6, 70:7, 16
Pecenko, Claudio, 39:16
Peddicord, Michael H., 47:11
Peirce, Casey Marie, 19:1, 5
Pellegrino, Michael A., 34:5, 7–8
Pelletier, Peter J., Sr., 6:5
Pelley, Stephanie L., 54:11, 56:16
Pemper, Mietek, 11:6
Pennell, William David, 25:5, 54:5
Perez, Pedro, 76:10-11
Perritt, H. Daughtry, 37:1, 12–13
Perritt, John M., Jr., 63:9
Perry, Aden Spencer, 72:1, 4, 9, 74:8, 78:5
Perry, Anthony R., 72:11
Perry, Justin Leland, 69:7, 8–9, 70:4, 71:8, 72:5, 75:5
Perry, McKenzie Anne, 12:8, 13:9, 17:7, 21:3, 29:3
Perry, Michael Chad, 32:8
Pestana, Keawe Michael, 66:9
Peterkin, Anthony, 70:11, 71:6
Peterkin, Jaden DeShawn, 70:11, 71:6
Petersen, Sean, 40:7
Peters, Jeffrey S., Jr., 17:4, 18:3
Peterson, Clifford W. J., 45:10, 14
Peterson, Douglas Robert, 7:7
Petrasek, Stephen E., 32:1, 5, 80:20-23
Petr, Philip D., 37:14
Petrus, Fusako M., 63:14, 65:6
Petruszak, Thomas M., 53:8, 57:8
Pettett, Daniel, 48:16
Petties, Obed M., Jr., 10:9
Pettit, Alida E.
Pettit, Alida E.
See Worobel Alida E. Pettit
Petzel, Herman J., 43:17, 56:18
Pew Family, 28:6, 36:10, 44:4
Phaup, Arthur, 65:4
Phelps, John D., 64:12
Philibert, Richard A., 12:6, 40:11
Philippe, Crown Prince of Belgium, 32:6–7, 33:3
Phillips, Brian J., 38:1, 3, 39:5
Phillips, George E., 55:15
Phillips, Ryan B., 30:8–9, 70:15
Phippen, Russell D., 55:10, 57:15
Phipps, Henry, 3:3
Phipps, Lawrence C., 3:3, 5:4
Phraner, Jewels, 52:15, 17
Piacente, Gerald, 25:7
Pichardo, Jose M., 73:9, 74:8, 78:15
Pierceall, Charles Noland, 73:2–3
Pierce, Angela M., 30:10, 33:2
Pierce, Isiah Jamal, 62:8
Pierce, Lee, 9:6, 58:1
Pierce, Mark, 66:10, 11, 68:7
Pierce, Mark J., 25:6
Pinckney, Marvin A., 80:11-12
Pino, Horatio G., 47:7
Pinque, Jonathan, 6:6, 12:1–2, 21:3, 31:1, 3
Pinsonneault, Isaac G., 41:7, 44:13–14, 45:7, 14
Pippin, Steven David, 39:7–8, 41:3
Pirie, Michael Wayne, 35:1, 6–7, 37:2, 3, 4
Plancich, Gregory D., 41:3, 11, 12
Poe, Colleen, 51:16
Poindexter, Randy, 16:4, 18:11
Poley, Scott, 22:8, 10, 23:4
Policape, Jean Patrick, 14:8
Polowy, James Walter, 69:2
Pontzer, Peter F., 49:10, 11, 50:15, 68:1
Ponzi, Charles, 19:6
Poorbaugh, Cindy, 2:5
Pope, Robert L., 5:8
Porter, Charles T., Jr., 50:19
Porter-Foy, Kaiden J., 47:12, 13
Porter, Thomas H., 30:8, 10
Portesi, Scott, 8:1
Portis, Titiana L., 42:10, 11
post-traumatic-stress disorder (PTSD), 3:4–5
Potter, Mark A., 3:6
Potter, Ralph H., 65:4
Potts, Fraser A., 45:1, 10–11
Powell, Allyson, 28:9, 30:3
Powell, Colin, 14:7
Power, Billie Jean, 65:18–19
Power, Edward J., Jr., 31:8, 33:2
Power of One event, 54:1–4, 55:1, 19, 57:3
Prather, Gerold, 74:13, 76:7
Pratt, Brady M., 74:10, 80:4
Pratt, Christopher A., 35:5, 6
Pratt, Kevin, 34:5, 36:7
Praytor, Weldon M., 51:4, 65:4, 5
Preacher, David C., 14:3
Preacher, Hugh James, 14:3, 17:9
Premji, Azim, 51:6, 52:17
Priami, Anthony J., 9:5
Pritchard, Robert A., Jr., 43:9, 11, 45:2
Pritzker Family, 28:6, 36:10, 44:4
Prochazka, Robert, 57:12
Proctor, Frank E., 8:3
Proctor, Hugh F., 8:6
Progressive movement, 41:4, 6
Prokop, John Thomas, 56:9–10, 58:16, 63:6
Provost, Nicholas P., 68:7
Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor, 47:1–2, 80:1, 19
Puckett, Michael DeWitt, 66:14, 15
Pulsifer, Harold E., Jr., 23:10
Purinton, Corey A., 68:10, 11
Putz, Darryl A., 21:5
Pynn, Baxter S., 25:4, 27:14
Qi, Yun, 61:10–11, 62:7
Qorri, Adem, 76:14,15, 78:5
Quaglione, Anthony D. (Tony), 41:6–7
Qualls, Bobby A., Jr., 27:9
Quick, Connor William, 50:10, 11
Quick, Joshua Ryan, 61:4, 11
Quigley, Gerald W., 55:17
Quinn, Guy E., 65:1, 8
Quiñones, John, 17:8
Quintana, Hilton, 53:9, 54:6
Raborn, Jerry A., 32:1, 5, 80:20-23
Rackoff, Nancy L., 1:2, 28:4, 29:3, 36:11, 37:5, 44:5, 10, 47:15, 50:3, 6, 51:13, 52:4, 54:4, 55:21, 66:13, 70:2, 76:8
Radiolab, 25:5, 46:2
Radke, Peter Todd, 45:2, 9, 10, 61:14, 63:5
Raif, Ignatius J., 42:8
Railsback, Marita M., 8:7
Raimo, Betty C. Taylor, 10:11
Raishbrook, Austin, 54:7, 62:7
Ramirez, Ana Maria, 55:9, 11
Ramirez, William E., 49:10, 55:6
Ramji, Aleem, 74:11
Ramphele, Mamphela, 2:4
Ramsay, Benjamin, 76:11-12
Rand, David G., 40:14
Randleman, Craig M., 40:3, 43:8–9
Randles, Sean C., 51:11, 13
Randolph, Harvey, 30:14
Rand, Robert Stanford, 20:8
Rangus, Michael, 23:6
Ranson, Randell, 27:9, 44:8
Rausch, William P., 64:18–19
Rauser, Steven A., 54:10, 56:15
Ravenell, Jarmaine E., 16:6
Reardon, Kerry D., 8:5, 10:5
Rearick, Daryle, E., 15:7
Rechlitz, Joel P., 24:8, 25:2, 26:8
Rechlitz, John, 24:8, 25:2, 26:8
Redice, Michael, 5:1
Redmon, Stacey, 64:10, 74:14
Reeder, J. Walter, 47:19
Reed, John, Jr., 42:13
Reed, Justin Michael, 32:10
Reed, Michael, 41:7
Reed, Sam W., 31:16
Reichenberg, David M., 31:1, 3, 9
Reid, George, 4:2
Reid, J. Harold, 30:5, 12, 14
Reinert, Troy Allen, 26:6
Reinhart, Robert D., Jr., 50:3
Reischl, Andrew, 75:11, 76:6
Reitmeier, George C., 46:6, 8
Renaud, Marie-Ève, 26:12
Rendell, Edward G., 12:9
Rethi, James L., Jr., 51:2
Reut, Svetlana S., 56:12
Reyes, Kendall, 75:10, 76:8
Reynolds, Nathan Ryan, 49:10, 11, 50:8–9
Rhodes, Jimmy, 54:2–4, 8, 55:19, 57:1, 74:5
Rhodes, Stephen D., 75:12, 76:16, 78:15
Ribeiro, Gerald L., 6:5
Ricard, Susan M., 19:5
Richards, Delos E., 64:18–19
Richardson, James David, 65:5
Richardson, Jeromy E., 50:10–11, 12, 51:15
Richie, Gary E., 46:11, 13
Richie, Jacob Daniel, 43:13, 46:11, 13
Rich, Mark, 53:9, 54:14
Richmond, Dallas, 48:16
Richter, Martin, 5:6, 6:8
Rickley, Garey La Monte, 37:15
Rickman, Christopher Mark, 46:11, 47:17
Riddle, Robert Todd, 62:10
Ridgway, Matthew B., 31:13
Riediger, Cynthia L., 33:8
Riggs, Jason E., 8:5
Rimoshytus, Patrick J., 36:8, 37:4
Ringeisen, Kenneth W., 15:9, 10, 21:7, 25:10
Ringseth, Norman Jeffery, 14:8
Ripley, Amanda, 16:7
Ritter, Wayne R., 57:17, 19
Rivera, Antonio Raul, 70:10, 11
Rizza, Susan M., 2:5, 3:7, 6:9, 12:4, 13:3, 16:8, 19:8, 31:16, 46:4, 49:4, 62:6, 77:1, 6, 19
Roach, Dustin Wayne, 71:11
Robert P. Connelly Medal of Heroism, 7:7, 47:1, 16–17
Roberts, Beecher, 65:4
Roberts, June E., 50:16, 51:16
Roberts, Kevin, 35:7
Robertson, Jamie D. W., 9:5, 11:4
Robertson, Julian, 51:6, 52:17
Robertson of Port Ellen, George, Lord, 4:3
Robeza, Joseph, 37:14
Robinette, Carl J., II, 69:9, 75:5, 76:5
Robinson, Aaron D., 19:5, 21:1
Robinson, Frank Brooks, 5:1, 6:2, 43:4, 5, 47:14, 16, 49:4, 51:13, 55:21, 70:2
Robinson, Marion W., 22:11
Robinson, Mary, 4:3
Robinson, Raymond L., 47:10, 50:7
Robinson, R. Clarence, 36:14–15
Robinson, Shane M., 39:13, 15, 41:9
Rockefeller, David, 2:4
Rockefeller Family, 2:4, 7:1, 10:3, 12:4, 34:12, 36:10, 44:4, 50:6
Rock, Ronald, 67:10–11, 68:4, 7, 69:7
Rodas-Garcia, Mauricio, 76:15
Roddey, Jim, 77:6, 18
Rodgers, DeWayne D., 13:5
Rodriguez, Michael Albert, 54:8
Rodriguez, Rafael A., 65:13, 14
Rogé, Jaclyn, 79:12–13, 80:16
Rogers, Dennis J., 53:6
Roggenkamp, Dean, 7:5
Rogge, Steven L., 38:11, 39:2–3, 41:3
Rohle, Kirk Montgomery, 35:8
Rollinger, Ryan P., 49:10
Roll of Honor, 54:2, 3, 55:1, 6–7, 57:1, 65:7, 78:16
Romano, Marc F., 66:8
Romberg, Stanley C., 24:7, 9, 12, 25:3
Romero, Ivan R., Jr., 49:12, 13
Romo, Ronaldo R., Jr., 47:10, 11
Roosevelt, Theodore, 7:6
Rosamilia, David Patrick, 19:5
Rose, Belinda Lee, 3:2, 6
Rose, Daniel, 78:10, 80:6
Rose, J. Evans, Jr., 31:15
Rose, John Augustus, II, 1:2, 19:2, 38:9, 49:4
Rosengren, Peter, 69:9, 70:6, 77:5
Rosenthal, Joel H., 28:6, 40:9
Rosenthal, Walter, 17:4
Rosiejak, Joe, 12:6, 14:10
Rospert, C. James, 59:9
Ross, Marlin, 3:7, 4:7, 7:8, 12:4, 16:8, 31:16, 36:14–15, 51:2, 62:5
Ross, Tray Hughes, 34:1, 6, 35:5
Ross, Andrea, 71:8
Rosso, Louis Charles, 30:9, 32:4
Ross, Ryan, 74:10
Ross, Stephen, 46:12–13, 47:9
Rostar, Timothy Lee, 28:1, 9, 29:2
Rothell, Brian D., 10:8, 11:5
Rothpletz, Ann, 61:10, 62:7
Rothrock, Brandon, 21:6, 22:6, 10
Rotruck, Ronald, 75:4
Rottkamp, Charles Harold, 11:8
Roux, Dennis L., 9:6
Rowlett, Ronald D., 13:5, 17:7–8
Rowley, Catharina, 24:7, 8
Roy, René, 52:12, 54:17
Rubenstein, David M., 44:7
Rucinski, Michael S., 9:5, 27:14
Rüegger, Moritz, 27:1
Ruffsdale Elementary School, Ruffsdale, PA, 2:5
Rumpf, Peter G., 26:1
Rundell, Nora T. C., 4:6, 12:4, 14:10, 15:2, 16:3, 20:5, 28:11, 32:14, 36:12, 43:16, 44:10, 48:18, 19, 52:4
Runions, Bradley C., 48:10, 11, 49:18
Rupert, Patricia A., 6:5
Russell, Aloysius A., 11:11
Russell, Paul J., 7:3
Russell, Seth C., 21:5, 7–8
Rusu, Gheorghita, 25:6–7
Rutherford, Robert H., 48:6, 9, 49:8
Rutkowski, Walter F.
Antonio Varacalli Day event, 38:13, 41:3
assistance programs, 3:5
auxiliary events, 13:9
awards ceremonies, 3:6, 7, 4:3, 12:4, 14:5, 11, 17:3, 21:2, 28:4, 32:6, 36:11, 44:5
Belgian Hero Fund meeting, 32:6, 14
biennial forum, 20:5
career highlights, 51:1–2, 4
Carnegie Hero Funds World Committee, 37:5, 44:10
Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy, 29:3
Carnegie Stiftung für Lebenstetter (CSL), 7:1–2
CBS Sunday Morning broadcast, 48:2
Cresson visit, 22:12
first awardee tribute, 23:2
Hero Fund, 4:4–5
Hero Fund appointments, 37:5
Hero Fund meeting, 28:11, 43:2, 16, 44:10, 45:4, 48:18, 19, 51:13, 16
as Hero Fund president and director, 70:3
Hero Funds World Committee meeting, 48:18, 19, 49:3
on heroism, 9:9
Medal of Honor meeting, 36:17
medal presentations, 31:16, 35:8–9, 37:4
meeting with new Executive Director, 46:4
newsletter anniversary, 80:18
outreach activities, 41:3
presidential predecessors, 27:2
Radiolab interview, 25:5
retirement, 51:1–2, 53:3
Rome gathering, 41:3
service anniversary, 45:4
service presentation, 44:11
Swiss awards ceremony, 27:10, 29:2
tour of U. S. Steel facility, 43:4
Ryan, Andrew J., 49:19
Ryker, Jacob Russell, 73:11
Saechao, Gabriel Cedrik, 67:7, 10
Saengdala, Katelynn, 70:8–9
Said, Mustafa A., 32:10
Saindon, Herbert E., 33:12
Sainsbury Family, 2:4, 12:4, 36:10, 44:4
Sais, Thomas Julius, Jr., 54:9, 55:12
Saks, Benjamin, 8:5, 10:4, 31:5
Saladin, Corey, 24:7
Salazar, Krystal Ashley, 50:10
Salce, Zachary, 60:4, 11, 64:15
Saldari, Emilio, 12:6, 7, 13:9
Sallee, Jon R., 14:9, 11
Salmo mine rescue, 57:17–19
Samford, Mary Austill
See Austill, Mary
Samjohn, William H., 42:15
Sampson, Keith, 24:8, 11, 25:2
Sanchez, Humberto, III, 50:14, 51:3
Sanchez, Michael, 10:9
Sanchez, Pedro Fernando, 65:5, 9
Sandman, Dan D., 11:6, 12:5, 13:3, 28:4, 11, 29:3, 31:13, 36:11, 37:5, 40:4, 5, 43:4, 15, 44:4, 10, 47:9, 51:7, 54:6, 55:21, 61:13, 65:7, 66:13, 69:3, 74:15, 76:1-2
San Francisco earthquake, 5:4–5
Santaniello, Vincent, 52:11–12, 53:11, 56:7
Santiago, Francisco, 10:8
Sargent, Hershal B., 46:15
Sathyamoorthi, Sekan, 9:3
Saunders, Claude A., Jr., 21:3
Sauter, David R., 10:10
Savedra, Anthony V., 31:7
Sawchuk, John P., 5:5, 7:7
Sawczyuk, Semko, 18:12
Sawyer, Kenneth G., 14:1, 10
Sayler, Dale L., 5:7
Scalf, Roger Alan, 11:11
Schafer, Christopher, 57:12, 59:16
Schaller, Loren B., 22:3, 9
Schaller, Sara, 78:11
Schappert, Jason Michael, 13:6
Scharold, Louis Daniel, 51:10, 52:5
Scharpf, Philipp, 13:4
Schär, Violetta, 27:1
Schaus, Donald, Sr., 41:10
Schell, Kevin James, 78:11-12
Scherer, Millard F., 3:8
Schindler, Oskar, 11:6
Schiotis, Michael F., 34:5, 6, 7, 43:2
Schlecht, Fairuz Jane, 76:12, 78:9
Schmidt, Linda F.
See Bradley, Linda F. Schmidt
Schmidt, Michael P., 19:4
Schmidt, Robert T., 26:5
Schmidt, Tony J., 40:6
Schmidt-Williams, Tisch, 78:14, 79:9, 80:4
Schmitt, James, 17:1–2
Schmoker, Christopher W., 60:9–10, 62:3, 71:8
scholarship grants, 8:2, 21:3, 7, 45:4, 61:5, 65:7, 69:3
Scholz, Philip Erich, 42:1–3, 12, 67:1–2
Schönhuth, Sander, 44:20
Schons, Matthew Phillip, 37:3, 38:12
school shooting incident, 5:5
Schott, Brett M., 2:3
Schreckengost, Clarence, 13:9
Schreiber, Michael H., 14:8
Schroepfer, Justin William, 53:10, 54:16, 56:4, 57:2
Schultz, Christopher F.N., 64:11–12
Schultz, Erich, 30:5
Schwab, David C., 31:16, 46:4
Schwuchow, Kelsey, 78:13, 80:9
Scott, Austin, 80:12–13
Scott, Dana, 2:2
Scott, Dianne Kearney, 21:1, 10, 24:11
Scott, Douglas, 4:6, 43:16, 44:10, 20
Scott, James Trevor, 7:5, 9:6
Scott, Matthew, 52:17
Scott, Rachel, 2:2
Scott, Shane D., 30:10
Scribner, Matthew R., 32:9, 78:15
Scully, Arthur M., III, 27:3, 6, 29:3, 33:2, 55:21, 72:13
Scully, Arthur M., Jr., 4:3, 5:1, 6:2, 24:10, 25:3, 27:3, 33:3
Scureman, John C., 78:2
Secure-A-Life safety device, 3:5
Seitz, James R., 65:15
Selfridge, Robert J., III, 77:12-13, 78:8
Sellers, Jeffrey W., 15:9
Sellers, Mark Andrew, 17:5, 31:11
Senator John Heinz Regional Pittsburgh History Center, 3:4
Senn, Johnny P., 6:5
Serrano, Alfredo, 37:6
Serrano, Joe L., 48:14, 16, 17, 49:18
Shackles, Matthew J., 11:9
Shaffer, Leslie E., 64:12, 65:7
Shamir, Yoav, 26:10
Sharpe, Michael V., 25:1, 7, 8
Shaw, Dennis M., 37:6
Shaw, Harold, 52:11–12, 18, 53:11
Shaw, Kevin, 5:3, 7:7, 17:3
Shaw, Robert M., Jr., 49:14
Shaw, Valerie, 5:3, 7:7
Shealy, Samuel J., 11:8
Shear, Katherine, 3:4–5
Shelby, Jon M., 33:12
Shelrud, Carl A., 57:17, 18, 19
Shelton, Jarvise, 38:10, 39:10, 47:8
Sherman, William G. S., Jr., 18:7
Sherock, Robert Michael, 71:10, 72:12
Shields, Margaret Frances Pappalardo, 48:7
Shields, Wyatt Tucker, 70:7, 9
Short, James A., Jr., 27:9
Shrake, Lora K., 25:5
Shreffler, Gale O., 40:13, 43:14
Shytles, Maryland Wilson, 12:10, 14:5, 7
Sibley, Craig A., 31:7, 13
Sieck-Taylor, Barbara, 1:7
Siegler, Thomas W., 10:8, 11:9, 54:5
Sigal, Herman D., 59:3
Sigelow, Jason A., 55:11, 57:2
Sigler, Christopher M., 26:10
Silverio Mendoza, Lucas Y., 66:9
Silvia, Richard, 3:5
Simmons, John H., 23:8, 34:12, 14
Simonelli, Daniel, 60:11, 62:7
Simons, James H., 36:10, 11, 44:4
Simons, Marilyn H., 36:10, 11, 44:4
Simonson, Cory Alan, 45:9, 11, 46:16
Simons, Stefanie, 32:6
Simplified Spelling Board, 7:6, 9
Simpson, James E., 60:17–19
Simpson, Nathan R., 23:9, 24:1, 4, 8–9
Simpson, Robert W., 67:1, 3
Simpson, W. Hugh, 34:1
Singh, Manjit, 74:10
Singleton, Noah T., 22:5
Siokalo, Nicholas Stephen, 61:11
Sirois, Allen, 59:12, 60:4, 16, 62:7, 63:6
Sirven, José, 80:11
60 Minutes, 68:1
Sjosward, Zachary, 73:9
Skeet, Christopher Adam, 22:7, 25:8, 28:13, 32:12
Skibo Castle, 40:4–5
Skiptunas, A. J., III, 18:3, 8, 9
Skirtich, Claire, 66:12, 74:7
Skoll, Jeff, 51:6, 52:17
Skutnik, Martin L., III, 9:4, 7–8, 16:7, 37:5, 47:8, 50:5, 9, 68:13–15
Slade, Kenneth H., 14:6
Slaline, Albert A., 22:9
Sliwa, Stephen David, 10:8
Slyder, Robert L., 5:3, 6:8
Smedema, Keith G., 37:3, 38:10
Smith, Albert W., 10:12
Smith, Alec Justin, 37:2, 6
Smith, Brandon M., 29:10–11
Smith, Brian K., 15:8
Smith, Christian W., 67:11, 68:7, 74:14
Smith, Christopher Z., 47:10
Smith, Darren M., 59:13, 61:13
Smith, David B. B., 12:4, 6, 7, 18:6, 20:5
Smith, Dylan Patrick, 37:1, 14, 38:3, 41:13
Smith, Earl A., 10:12
Smithee, Scot, 5:5
Smith, Frederick T., 27:8–9, 29:6
Smith, G. Elwood, 10:12
Smith, George L., 27:14
Smith, Granville M., 31:3
Smith, Harry L., 10:12
Smith, Jacob M., 70:8, 9
Smith, John David, 51:11, 52:13, 55:4
Smith, John W., 10:12
Smith, Kenneth F., 48:13
Smith, Larry E., 58:17–19
Smith, Laura Hennessee, 3:1–2
Smith, Louis E., 10:12
Smith, Nathan N., 28:7
Smith, Patrick, 46:13, 15
Smith, Perry, 1:5, 25:4–5
Smith, S. Alexander, 43:9
Smith, Theodore E., 35:3–4
Smith, Twila Dawn, 44:17
Smith, William, 36:6, 9
Smith-Yoder, Amy, 43:4, 5
Smit, Jaap, 48:18
Smoot, Bruce Edward, 39:9
Snel, Martin, 44:20
Sneve, Ricky Lee, 69:8, 70:4, 76:5
Snider, James Philip, 36:7
Snow, David A., 15:9
Snyder, Byron, 43:11, 15
Snyder, William P., III, 5:1, 6:2, 29:3, 4, 6, 31:4, 33:3, 42:6
Solberg, Anne-Line, 43:16
Solot, Jerald A., 18:2
Sørenson, Bente Flindt, 44:10, 11, 20
Soros, George, 2:4, 10:3, 12:4, 34:12, 36:10, 44:4, 50:6
Southall, Anna, 4:2
Sowers, Joseph R., 45:13
Spangler, Melissa, 2:5, 3:7, 4:6, 6:8, 7:8, 8:7, 12:4, 6, 16:8, 19:8
Sparks, Kristan C., 77:22-23
Spear, Clarence L., 48:15, 17
Spear, Philip J., 34:4, 11, 37:14
Speir, James, 37:14
Spencer, Richard H., 11:11
Spencer, Samuel A., 24:6
Spencer, Wilfred L., III, 34:7
Sperling, Bruce R., 13:1, 2, 6
Sperling, Mark, 13:1, 2, 6
Spittal, Jessie T. R., 1:5, 2:4, 4:3, 11:7, 12:4, 6, 7, 44:8
Springer, John C., 10:9, 38:14
Springhill mine disaster, 15:4–5
Spruill, James E., 66:7
Spurling, Gary, 46:10, 13
Spurling, Steven L., 50:12, 51:3
Squicimari, Giankarlo, 15:8, 16:1, 6
Sri Lanka, 4:4–5, 9:3
Stack, James B., 7:3–4, 21:8
Staffon, Anetta Brenneman, 15:7
Stahly, Austin Michael, 68:11
Staite, Jenny, 5:3
Stalberg, Verrill D., 15:7, 19:7
Staley, Christopher Allen, 38:10–11, 40:3
Stamsta, Eugene, 56:10, 57:16
Stanford, Guy L., 20:12
Staniowski, Leslie Joseph, 6:5
Stanjeski, John, 36:3
Starkey, Harold M., 60:1, 4–5
Starkey, Richard Jon, 60:1, 4–5
Starnes, Darryl F., 29:11, 40:14
Starr-Howell, Draven M., 67:8
Staten, Eric Andrew, 66:10, 11, 68:7
Stauffeneker, Richard, 10:10
Stead, Kenneth, 63:11
Steamship Titanic disaster, 29:7–8
Steed, Joshua W., 33:1, 7–8
Steig, Nathan Michal, 51:13
Stein, Calvin Bradley, 47:17, 49:1, 2, 13, 50:18
Stein-Palmiere, Jonathan, 64:12
Stein, Seth, 66:1–3
Stephens, Kenneth J., Sr., 33:8, 10
Sterne, William B., 22:6, 10
Stevens, John, 55:1, 6–7
Stevens, Randall C., 33:4
Stewart, Henry, 37:14
Stewart, Ian F., 57:17, 18, 19
Stichting Carnegie Heldenfonds, 44:10, 11, 20, 47:16, 48:18, 52:4
Stickovich, John J., 80:15
Stieg, Nathan Michael, 52:9
Stierhout, Jos, 48:18
Stimpson, Christopher S., 32:8
Stimpson, Richard, 3:5
Stitch, Rudell, 10:2, 20:10, 31:16, 35:1–2, 38:9, 39:2, 43:12, 65:9, 17
Stock, Richard W., 65:5
Stockwell, Daniel E., 1:6, 10:1–2, 20:10, 31:16, 35:2, 39:2, 43:12, 53:1
Stockwell, Merry, 1:6, 53:1
Stoney, Michael William, 22:1, 7
Stotts, Connor Farland, 33:11, 38:4, 7, 41:3, 56:7
Stoudt, Paul H., Jr., 62:1–2, 63:4
Stratton, Kristina Jean, 61:10
Strickland, Troy E., 58:13
Strunk, Jason Aaron, 64:12
Stubner, John C., 59:1, 4–5
Sturgeon, Christopher Alan, 25:7, 26:10
Sturgill, Brian Scott, 16:4, 18:11
Suggett, Louise, 40:4
Sullenberger, Chesley, 24:2–3, 59:2–3
Sullivan, Andrew J., 65:10
Sullivan, Robert J., 41:8
Sunkel, Robert, 51:8, 52:14
Surbito, Eric, 22:8, 12
Surrell, Michael E., Sr., 54:13, 56:19, 59:4
Svanborg, Eva, 28:12, 43:16
Swaby, Hoip D., 17:5
Swanson, Timothy K., 29:3
Swartz, John E., 34:9, 35:8–9, 37:4, 80:5
Swartzlander, Ronald E., 23:10, 62:13–15
Swayze, Neil A. and Anna G., 44:11, 45:3
Swedish Hero Fund
See Carnegiestiftelsen
Sweet, Justin, 50:13
Swenson, Dennis D., 49:13, 14, 52:6, 13, 59:1–3
Swiss Hero Fund
See Carnegie Rescuers Foundation
Sylvester, Lisa, 75:3
Szabrinski, John, 37:14
Taber, George H., 16:8
Taber, Lester Robert, Jr., 65:14
Tait, Caroline Kelly, 1:6
Tallman, Douglas Leroy, Sr., 61:4, 9, 74:14
Tally, Trevor Jordan, 25:6, 26:2
Talos, Liviu, 27:8, 9, 11, 29:12
Tanner, Jeffrey, 77:15
Tarnoff, Steven Alan, 76:2
Tarnowski, Adam James, 46:11, 12
Tarsitano, Ernest J., 61:8, 63:5, 64:16
Tata Family, 11:2–3, 12:3, 36:10, 44:4, 50:6
Tata, Ratan N., 11:2–3, 12:3
Taube, Count Gustaf, 4:6, 12:4, 6, 7, 15:2, 3, 20:5, 28:11, 12, 32:11, 14, 44:8
Taube, Inger, 12:6, 28:12
Taulbert, Clifton, 2:2
Taylor, Albert B., 35:3
Taylor, Charles L., 5:4, 27:2, 29:5–6, 9, 66:7, 77:1
Taylor, Christopher Lee, 69:9, 71:7, 72:5
Taylor, Selwyn M., 23:2, 25:9
teen heroes, 18:1–2
Templin, Harvey W., 71:14–15
Terry, James B., 36:3, 9
Terry, Kenneth W., 62:13–15
Terry, Leonard, 32:9
Terry, Sharon, 73:5
Teuscher, Scott E., 37:8
Teuton, Levi Parker, 46:12, 14, 15
Tezsla, Alexander, 39:13
Thacker, Terry W., 6:5
Thaler, Allan, 19:7, 24:4
Thang, Van U., 57:9
Thanos, John, 25:3, 49:7, 15
Thanos, John Mikel, 20:1, 8, 21:1, 7, 23:9–10, 25:3, 31:16, 37:4, 48:19, 49:7, 15
Thanos, Mark John, 20:1, 8, 21:7, 23:9–10, 25:3, 31:16, 35:3, 37:4, 48:19, 49:7, 15
Thanos, Michael J., 25:3, 37:4, 45:4, 48:18–19
Thanos, Victoria, 29:2
Thayne, Sean Zacharey, 55:10, 11, 57:2
Thedford, Larkin, 27:13, 29:13
Theus, Gwendolyn, 68:9
Thibeault, Daniel R., 39:6, 7
Thoele, Brett Allen, 41:10
Thomas, Adam Layman, 70:11, 12, 72:8, 77:5
Thomas, Janet, 60:6–7, 65:7
Thomas, Norman J., 49:7
Thomas, Ronald, 16:4
Thomas, Ruth Ella, 49:7
Thomas, Terryann E., 53:7–8, 68:1
Thompson, Clarence M., 18:5, 56:2
Thompson, Donald E., 41:10, 11–12, 47:1–2, 17, 50:17, 56:4, 75:1-2
Thompson, Gary Lee, 13:6
Thompson, George L., 12:7
Thompson, Jakob, 77:17, 78:5
Thompson, Kenneth Lee, 10:9
Thompson, Michael A., 31:12–13, 33:1, 51:13, 55:21
Thompson, Stanton, 3:2
Thomson, Gregory R., 23:7
Thomson, Margaret, 5:3, 36:11, 40:4, 5
Thomson, Mary, 5:3, 40:4, 5
Thomson, Tina, 12:7
Thomson, William
auxiliary events, 12:7
awards ceremonies, 4:2, 3, 11:2, 12:4, 5, 20:2, 28:6, 32:7, 36:11, 44:4
Belgian Hero Fund meeting, 32:7, 14
biennial forum, 20:5
board position, 13:1
Carnegie Birthplace Museum, 18:6, 11
Carnegie death centennial celebration, 59:6
Carnegie Hero Fund Commission annual meeting, 55:21
German Hero Fund ceremony, 7:1–2, 9:2
Hero Fund meeting, 28:11, 13, 29:3, 39:14, 44:11, 48:18–19
Hero Funds World Committee meeting, 49:3, 52:4
Hero Fund Trust for the U.K., Ireland, and the Channel Islands, 2:4, 7:1–2, 10:3, 14:4
memorial ceremony, 40:4, 5
Peace Palace centennial observance, 36:4
on philanthropy, 12:5, 9
visit from Commission member, 51:7
Thorne, Arthur L., 12:6
Thornton, J. Ryan, 59:11, 62:7
Thornton, Robert Lee, Jr., 54:10, 12, 55:14
Thorp, Arthur, 9:5
Thurston, Howard Augusta, 11:8
Thurston, Jason W., 30:10, 13
Tietz, Aune, 78:14
Tiger, Danny Lee, 60:11, 61:12, 63:6, 70:7
Tilghman, Lee, 71:8, 72:8
Tillman, Vickie, 54:2–4, 8, 55:19, 20, 57:1, 3, 6, 58:8, 59:4, 61:4, 69:7, 74:5
Tilston, Phyllis A., 10:11
Timmins, Christian, 28:7
Timmons, Joe F., Sr., 8:7
Titanic disaster, 29:7–8
Toerge, Walter F., 9:9, 51:2
Tolstedt, Chad J., 23:7
Tomasetti, Nazareth A., 45:5, 7
Tompkins, Keiren J., 46:13, 47:9
Tompkins, Kristine McDivitt, 51:6, 52:17
Tonkin, Timothy, 20:8
Tordella-Williams, Ian R., 33:9, 35:7
Torres, Charley, 54:11, 56:16
Toth, Gabor, 37:5, 39:16, 44:10, 48:18, 52:4
Tower, Richard Anthony, 17:5
Towle, Michael Joseph, Jr., 13:6
Townsend, Garrett T., Jr., 24:3, 7, 59:8–9
Townsley, Evan Daniel, 69:8, 70:7, 72:5
Trafford, Lester J., III, 42:9, 43:8
Tranel, Matthew L., 45:9, 11, 46:16
Tran, Tu Anh, 76:12, 13, 77:10, 80:1, 19
Traver, Akasha Witchey, 23:10
Travis, Alexander Lias, 39:8, 11, 40:12
Travler’s Journal, 1:7
Traylor, Joshua Aaron, 54:11, 56:17, 58:8
Tree of Life Synagogue mass shooting, 56:2–3
Trento, Thomas A., 22:6, 10, 76:8, 78:5
Trillin, Calvin, 1:5
Trivette, R. Wayne, 49:10, 11, 50:17
Troika Entertainment, 23:4
Trombley, Manuel J., 21:7
Trotti, Dwayne D., 15:9
Trudell, Mark, 3:5
Truett, Kyler, 45:13
Tsikoza, Vitaly, 11:1, 9, 13:2, 7
Tumblr, 45:4
Turner, David S., Sr., 60:9, 61:1, 4
Turner, Shawn H., 65:12–13, 66:5
Turner, Ted, 2:4, 7:1, 10:3, 12:4, 34:12, 36:10, 44:4, 50:6
Tuura, Mark Oscar, 56:12, 60:12
Twain, Mark, 7:6
Twitter, 41:4, 45:4, 49:16
types of rescue, 39:11, 45:2–3, 53:2, 57:2–3, 61:2, 3, 65:6, 69:3, 77:2
Ulf, Arn, 7:2
Ullom, Scott, 62:8, 64:15
United Kingdom-based trusts, 10:3–4, 20:5, 44:10, 20, 52:4, 7
United States Steel Corporation facility tour, 43:4–5
Urbain, Clarence Q., 63:8–9
U.S. Coast Guard Gold Lifesaving Medal, 37:4–5, 39:10
U.S. Coast Guard Silver Lifesaving Medal, 51:1, 4
U.S. Forest Service, 8:4
Usher, Donald W., 9:4, 7–8, 16:7, 40:12, 50:4–5, 9, 68:13–15
Ussery, James R., Jr., 33:2, 50:7
Ussery, John Andrew, 54:10, 18
Vail, Hugh T. R., 5:4
Vallario, Edward J., 64:18–19
Valles, Carlos S., 26:10
Van Alstine, Chloe C., 19:5, 20:6
Van Arsdalen, Norman C., 77:19
Vandegrift, Kenneth R., 18:4
Van Dyke, William E., 13:10
Van Etten, Darrell, Sr., 18:10
Van Fleet, Willard, 23:1, 6
Vangstad, Carina, 43:16
Vangstad, Mats, 43:16
Vang, Tou Hu, 44:13, 15, 19, 45:3
van Hoogstraten, Steven, 28:6
Vanlanham, Duane E., 22:8, 12, 23:8, 58:4
Van Note, Kyle, 53:9, 54:6
Van Santen, Bart, 32:14, 48:18
Van Santen, Karl, 48:18
Van Santen, Théo, 28:12, 32:6, 7, 14, 44:10, 48:18, 52:4
Van U. Thang, 57:9
Van Wave, Ryan P., 26:5
Varacalli, Antonio, 38:1, 6, 13, 41:3, 50:6–7, 68:2, 77:4-5
Varsalona, Peter J., 6:5
Vartanian, Rogene A.
See McCorquodale, Rogene A. Vartanian
Vaughan, Alexis Renee, 30:8, 12, 33:2
Vaughan, Michael Craig, 30:8, 12
Vaughn, Luke Daniel, 34:8
Vautour, Jean B. J., 57:5
Vazquez, Tiburcio, 21:7
Veeder, Peter G., 37:14
Veeder, Sybil P., 2:2, 3:4–5, 7:1, 2, 4, 11:3, 12:4, 6, 17:3, 25:1–3, 29:1–3, 34:14, 37:14, 39:12, 41:5, 43:4, 44:4, 6, 10, 45:4, 49:4, 51:13, 52:4, 54:3, 55:21, 65:5, 7, 66:13, 69:1, 70:2
Venezia, M. Sean, 12:9
Venn, Kevin Anthony, 9:6
Verdeur, Bryan T., 4:1, 5
Verdeur, Patrick K., 4:1, 5
Vernon, James O., 52:12, 53:13, 56:8, 65:15–16
Viet, Dominic, 72:10
Villanueva, Victor, 74:12
Villarreal, Robert, Jr., 20:8
Vinson, Gary DeWayne, Jr., 23:10, 27:12
Virgile, Lucien G., 30:14
Visconti, Frederick L., 19:4
Vish, Mikala, 72:9, 78:15
Vizbulis, Mathew B., 11:8
Vlacich, James John, 77:16
volunteer awards program, 22:10, 47:18
Vorel, Sean C. M., 31:8, 33:2
Voykin, John J., 57:17, 19
Vroom, Gijsbert Paul, 44:20
Wade, Melissa, 71:4–5
Wadensjö, Marita, 7:1, 2
Wagner, Luther H., 31:15–16
Wahler, Steven B., 57:8, 9, 59:14
Waite, Charles, 37:14
Waite, Walter, 37:14
Walker, Claude Ancel, IV, 17:5
Walker, David, 44:10
Walker, Kenneth M., Sr., 18:3, 10
Walker, William R., 32:8–9
Wallace, Donal A., 76:5
Wallace, Lacey N., 35:10, 14
Wallace, Madison Leigh, 40:1, 6–7, 8, 41:2
Walters, Barbara, 2:4
Walton, James M., 4:3, 12:4, 14:2, 5, 17:3, 29:4, 6, 31:12, 33:3, 68:2, 7
Walton, Joseph C., 29:3, 31:12, 33:2, 35:8, 37:4, 43:4, 44:5, 10, 11, 51:13, 55:21
Wanhala, Nathan Scott, 59:13, 60:4, 70:7
Ward, Edward J., 14:3, 17:9
Ward, Frank Shane, 29:6, 11
Ward, George Thomas, Jr., 39:11
Ward, Matthew R., 42:10–11
Ward, Walter F., 7:8, 9:2
Wargo, Brian, 44:14, 17, 45:3, 7
Warhol, Andy, 4:4
Warhurst, Grady Terry, 29:11
Warnock, Allan H., 3:3
Washington, Booker T., 3:3
Washington, Cecilia D., 26:11
Washington, Kevin Alan, 26:11
Waterman, Amy M., 71:12, 72:7
Waterman, Lloyd L., 16:7
Waters, Misty Nacole, 49:1
Watkins, William, 32:11
Watson, Jake Vageli, 69:11
Watson, Robin, 12:4, 43:16
Watt, Joshua K., 54:9, 55:13
Wean, Susanne C., 28:3, 4, 6, 29:3, 33:2, 36:11, 37:5, 43:4, 44:5, 51:13, 52:4, 55:21
Weatherford, Peter, 36:7
Webb, James P., 6:7
Weill, Sanford and Joan I., 20:1, 2, 4, 36:10, 44:4
Weiss, Daniel L., 78:13-14
Welch, Austin Craig, 53:8, 14, 54:6
Wellington, Jackie A., 48:7
Welp, Daniel R., 32:4–5, 9, 14
Wemhoff, Brandon M., 34:8, 38:7
Wendt, Simon, 19:1, 3, 41:7
Wenner, Craig L., 16:5, 17:2
Wenszell, Katherine M., 61:9–10, 74:14
Wentling, Thomas L., Jr.
anniversary celebration, 1:2
board position, 12:4, 22:2, 70:3
Carnegie Hero Fund Commission annual meeting, 51:13, 55:21
as Commission Board Chair, 78:1
finance committee report, 65:7, 69:3
medal presentations, 9:2, 13:3, 80:7
on selecting awardees, 10:6-7
service anniversaries, 66:13
service anniversary, 47:14, 16, 49:4
Werts, William, Jr., 70:8, 9
Wertz, Evelyn Marie, 36:18
Wessel, Karen, 44:15, 17
Westhafer, Ward, 14:3
West, Timothy Elbridge, 31:7
Wetton, Samuel A., 36:19
Wetzel, Frederick, 46:1, 3, 13
Wheeler, Marion J., Jr., 57:5
Whitacre, William R., 49:1–2, 15
Whitecalf, Clark, 49:11–12
White, Christopher N., 6:6, 8:7
White, Eileen J., 2:5, 3:7, 11:7, 12:4, 16:8
Whiteman, Elaine, 5:3
White, Perneice L., 58:11
White, Samara Marie, 15:8, 17:2
White, Shelby, 51:6, 52:17
White, Summer N., 32:11, 33:2, 60:7, 63:5, 68:1, 3
White, Taylor Rod, 58:13
Whitford, Scott Derrick, 54:12, 56:13, 58:8
Whitham, Arthur Ray, Jr., 61:9
Whitley, James W., II, 64:11, 71:8
Whitley, Robert J., 64:11, 71:8
Whitney, Alexander J., 24:7
Whitney, Andrew R., 24:11
Wickline, Earl Heath, 44:12, 13
Wiese, Jonathan, 65:13–14, 66:4
Wieser, Jeffrey Robert, 47:6–7, 17
Wiest, Joseph C., 50:3
Wilkens, Klaus, 7:1
Wilkinson, Donald C., Jr., 9:5
Wilkinson, Randy, Jr., 68:8–9
Wilkinson, William, 32:10
Willers, Jessica M., 9:6
Willey, Forrest L., 39:4, 71:2–3
Williams, Christopher E., 36:3, 8–9
Williams, Frank, Jr., 56:8, 10, 57:8, 58:8, 14, 71:8
Williams, James, 54:12, 56:19
Williams, James A., 34:13
Williams, Jason Allen, 53:7, 14
Williams, John P., 32:8, 39:16, 41:9, 43:6, 44:3, 45:3, 46:7, 8, 16, 48:20, 51:13, 52:17
Williams, Keenia, 29:3
Williams, Leon A., 20:11
Williams, Madison L., 50:13, 14, 51:12
Williams, Malik Andre, 57:9, 61:1
Williams, Mitchell Allan, 48:11
Williams, Shawn, 39:11
Williamson, Frederick S., 39:6
Williams, Randall ODell, 69:2
Williams, Richard G., 46:10, 47:17
Williams, Scott R., 48:11, 12, 49:17
Willis, Ernest, 58:4
Willis, Gladys Mae, 58:4
Wills, William G., 65:4
Wilmot, F. M., 3:3, 12:11
Wilms, Melinda J., 66:10, 67:5
Wilson, Christine Alicia, 42:9, 13, 43:6
Wilson, Darnell J., 70:8, 9, 72:6, 76:5, 77:5
Wilson, David Sloan, 10:10
Wilson, Dennis, 51:9, 52:8
Wilson, Hayward, 15:12
Wilson, Ian, 52:4, 7
Wilson, Margaret, 52:7
Wilson, Matthew James, 5:7
Wilson, Mickey, 74:12-13, 76:6
Wilson, Robert M., Jr., 75:11, 76:6
Wilt, Keith A., 47:10
Wimble, William R., 32:1, 2, 5, 49:7, 80:20–23
Windsor, Melvin E., 1:2, 9:4, 7–8, 16:7, 40:12, 50:4–5, 9, 68:13–15
Winemiller, Derek, 73:7–8, 75:5
Winstead, Lauren, 26:1, 4, 28:11, 13, 29:2
Winters, Kelly, 46:15, 47:10, 15, 17
Winters, Wendy, 64:12
Wishart, Alfred W. “Burr”, Jr., 1:1, 2, 5:2, 19:6, 21:2, 44:6
Witherspoon, Lindsey A., 16:5, 17:2
Wittum, Elijah Jarred, 22:8, 24:11, 56:7
Woffenden, James H., 38:15
Wohlford, Sam E., 25:11–12
Woit, Peter David, 42:9, 13
Wolf, Andreas, 12:4
Wolfensohn, Sir James D., 51:6, 52:17
Wolf, Erica, 78:14
Wolf, Samuel E., 38:7
Wolfson de Botton, Janet, 36:10, 12
Wolfson Family, 44:4
Won, Yuen Kong, 64:14–15
Wood, Daniel Marvin, 44:1–2, 12, 45:14, 49:6
Wood, Liane Heather, 44:1–2, 12, 45:14, 46:5, 49:6
Wood, Samantha L., 12:9
Woodson, Robert, 2:2
Wood, Warren L., Jr., 36:6
Word, Carol A., 4:3–4, 6, 20:5, 21:2, 27:10, 28:4, 29:2, 3
Worden, Charles V., 30:11, 12
World Committee, 36:2–3
Worobel Alida E. Pettit, 16:8
Worthington, Fred, Jr., 31:10
Worthington, William G., 77:21
Wright, Charles N., 8:4, 76:1, 4-5
Wright, Clifford A., 45:2, 10, 12, 46:16
Wright, Frances, 8:4
Wright, Gladys, 29:2
Wright, Hull L., 38:15
Wright, Joshua Stewart, 56:11, 12, 58:16, 72:2–3, 5
Wright, Leon, 59:11–12, 60:7
Wright, Robert W., 17:1, 2, 28:6
Wright, Thomas, 16:2
Wright, William E., Jr., 12:9
Wyant, Charles E., 44:9, 14, 16–17, 45:14
Wyatt, James, 57:11
Xiong, Waseng, 39:7
Yankasky, Jonathan T., 46:15
Yankasky, Kirk P., 46:15, 49:16
Yassen, Nathan, 30:10, 11–12
Yates, Hubert A., 13:4
Ybarra, Albert, 5:7
York, Herbert Daniel, 55:20
Young, Aaron Andrew, 56:11, 57:13
Young, David Anderson, 50:7
YouTube channel, 55:19
Yurkovic, Gary, Jr., 33:7
Zabinski, Louis R., 72:5
Zabrowski, Heather, 59:13, 60:16
Zahren, Anna, 58:3, 6–7
Zahren, Eric P.
on Andrew Carnegie, 59:7
awards ceremonies, 54:2, 3, 4, 77:6,7
background information, 44:18–19, 46:1, 3, 58:6
Carnegie death centennial celebration, 59:6
on Carnegie heroes, 54:2
Carnegie Hero Fund Commission annual meeting, 51:13, 55:21
CBS Sunday Morning broadcast, 49:15
as Commission Board Chair, 70:2, 16
as Commission President, 53:3
emeritus presentations, 74:15
as Executive Director, 46:1, 49:4
on first responders, 48:16–17
on Garrett Morgan, 64:7
grave marker presentation, 48:6, 7, 55:23
on the Hero Fund, 46:4–5, 58:6–7, 75:5
Hero Fund meeting, 48:18, 19, 51:13, 74:15
Hero Funds World Committee meeting, 48:18, 19, 49:3, 52:4
on Jeffrey Dooley, 62:6
with Medal of Valor recipient, 47:2
medal presentations, 48:20, 49:3, 18, 50:15, 18, 51:3, 5, 12, 52:13, 53:11, 12, 55:12, 13, 56:15, 19, 57:13, 16, 58:15, 59:15, 60:12, 14, 16, 61:4, 6, 64:1, 15, 65:7, 67:5, 68:4, 69:5–6, 70:4, 5, 71:6, 7, 72:7, 8, 77:7, 9-11, 79:7, 80:7
mine disaster tribute, 49:9
on National Heroes Day, 66:1
as new board member, 44:18,
on new board members, 71:8, 75:3
outreach activities, 75:2-3
on peer support network, 75:4
request for Medal presenters, 47:18
Roll of Honor and Deed of Trust, 54:2, 3, 55:6, 78:16
Seneca Falls’ annual celebration, 77:4-5
and Vartan Gregorian, 65:1
visit from U.K. Hero Fund trustees, 52:7
on Walter Rutkowski, 51:2
year in review, 80:18
Zeleny, Albert R., 56:8
Zernach, Edmund L., 22:13–14, 55:20
Zernhelt, Steven P., 30:1–2, 4, 9, 47:17
Ziegler, Irving H., 29:13
Zimbardo, Phil, 25:10–11
Zimin, Dmitry Borisovich, 36:10, 12, 44:4
Zimmer, Andrew Calvin, 40:6
Zimmerman, Earl L., 46:15
Zimmerman, Michael J., 17:5, 18:3
Zinsenheim, Davis Ilan, 53:8, 54:17, 56:8
Zuehlke, Abigail R., 30:5, 9–10, 12, 38:5
Zurilla, Justin Frederick, 10:9