Andrew Carnegie believed that those who risk their lives to save others are to be recognized as the heroes of civilization, in contrast to “the heroes of barbarism,” who main or kill others. The Carnegie Medal was thus conceived, in 1904. Other prestigious U.S.-based awards are similar in purpose and even share some of the same awarding requirements. As told in the pages of this issue of imPULSE, several individuals have received both the Carnegie Medal and one of the following medals:
The Coast Guard Lifesaving Medal, in grades of silver and gold, was established by Congress in 1874 to recognize those whose heroism takes place in the “perils of the water.” (See Carnegie Hero Terry Brown.)
The Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor was established in 2000 by President Bill Clinton to recognize law enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency medical service personnel for acting above and beyond the call of duty in saving or protecting human life. (See Donald E. Thompson.)
The Robert P. Connelly Medal of Heroism, established in 1967, is given worldwide by Kiwanis International to those acting in behalf of others when they “might just as well pass along the way.” (See more.)
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