Overheard: Impulse 77

There were children that needed assistance. He went without hesitation into the water and saved these children. Unfortunately, his life was not saved. — Best friend of Peter Rosengren, Carnegie Hero #10279

I am thankful no one was hurt. The recognition, I appreciate it, but that wasn’t on my mind when I did what I did. I wasn’t thinking about rewards. I wasn’t thinking about being a hero. I was just thinking about making sure Van was safe. — Darnell J. Wilson, Carnegie Hero #10294

In a million years, you could never expect for something like this to happen to you. But then you take a step back and look at it, and if anyone would have done this, it would be Adam. He thought he was invincible. — Brother to Adam Layman Thomas, Carnegie Hero #10306

I’m not a hero. It’s just something I had to do. — Kenneth S. Andreen, Carnegie Hero #10317

I was not going to leave without getting her out. — Frank P. Axiotes, Carnegie Hero #10318

I see David in the front and he’s kind of frozen there in pain, pain, pain. So I said, ‘Let’s go my friend, we gotta go.’ I just grabbed him and we got out of the trailer. — Suzanne Fortin, Carnegie Hero #10319

I’m glad I was there at the right time, the right place. If opportunity came again and I had to do it, I would do it. I knew what I was risking. I knew the next second it could be my life. But every second counted. — Nicholas L. Bostic, Carnegie Hero #10319

Literally, you just ask yourself what kind of person are you going to be. — Paul Galotti, Carnegie Hero #10350

He cared so deeply for others, for the planet. He gave everything he could. — Wife of Thomas Kenning, Carnegie Hero #10351

I would hope that if I was ever in that circumstance, someone would want to help me. — Jordan B. Kurtzer, Carnegie Hero #10377

I told her privately we’re hiring for Search & Rescue. — County sheriff referring to River Barry, Carnegie Hero #10408

I didn’t want to lose my friend. It was bad. There was a big ol’’ bear on top of him. I could have run and potentially lost a friend or get him off and save him. – Kendell Bybee Cummings, Carnegie Hero #10411

The dog was right there and we were eye-to-eye, and I wasn’t afraid. For some reason, I was not afraid. I had no fear until the ambulances left and we realized what just hit us. — Robyn Handley, Carnegie Hero #10420