Pedro Perez

A 39-year-old police officer gave chase to apprehend a man who had just robbed a Springfield, Massachusetts, store at knifepoint on Dec. 27, 2022. As she reached the man, he resisted arrest, brandishing the knife, and the two struggled. Pedro Perez, 31, a real estate entrepreneur of Springfield, was driving nearby and saw the skirmish. Intervening in the altercation, he pushed them out of the street, which caused the assailant to drop the knife. All three fell to the ground, where the assailant grabbed the officer’s pistol and removed it from its holster. Perez and the officer were attempting to disarm him when he fired two shots. One bullet struck the assailant’s hand and caused a serious injury before it went through the hood of Perez’s sweatshirt. The other shot hit Perez’s nearby truck. With the assistance of an arriving police lieutenant, the pistol was taken from the assailant and he was handcuffed. The officer sustained a back injury during the incident, and Perez had sustained bruised ribs but recovered.