Scott Kilburn

Scott Kilburn, a 49-year-old metal fabricator of Waverly, Tennessee, and his wife were stranded on the roof of his pickup truck during heavy flooding in Waverly on Aug. 21, 2021. Rapidly rising flood water had risen above the truck’s hood and continuously washed debris forcefully against the truck. A woman, 53- year-old Regenia L. Brake, had been attempting to evacuate with her son, when she was swept up in the flood and carried about a half-mile before she neared Kilburn’s truck. Kilburn removed his shirt, left the truck’s roof, and entered the water. He reached Brake, but the two were carried away from the truck and eventually separated. Kilburn’s wife soon lost sight of them, but held tightly to the truck while flood water continued to rise and surge. She remained on the roof for about three hours until she could be rescued. Brake and Kilburn drowned. Brake’s body was recovered about 1,000 feet from the truck. Kilburn’s body was found more than a mile away.